...Reconciliation First Published 2009 All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-920219-18-5 Produced by Compress.dsl www.compressdsl.com CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 CHAPTER 1: Using history 5 The uses of liberation history in Zimbabwean politics • Historical context • ZANU PF’s ‘Patriotic History’ • Patriotic History’s detractors • What is Patriotic History? • The opposition’s use of history 5 5 6 6 8 CHAPTER 2: History in secondary and higher education 11 History curriculum development in Zimbabwe’s secondary schools and higher education institutions, and the implications for reconciliation, national healing and transitional justice • The growth in education since independence • History in secondary schools • History in higher education • A review of the NASS syllabus 11 11 14 17 CHAPTER 3: Teaching history 23 Challenges of teaching history in Zimbabwe, points of contention and consensus, and future prospects • Repression in tertiary institutions • Decline in secondary schools • National youth training service centres • Reasons for optimism 23 25 25 26 CHAPTER 4: Supporting history teaching 29 Supporting secondary and higher educators, and proposals towards learning sessions, modules and activities for history teaching • Funding education • Resurgence of liberal principles • Key proposals and teaching suggestions 29 30 30 CHAPTER 5: Teaching with Becoming Zimbabwe 33 How the Zimbabwe history book can offer opportunities to support history teaching at secondary and higher...
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...Easygoing, friendly, natural charisma (lead by example) cf. Jack Welch :Brash, Impetuous, abrasive, feisty (dictatorship) Jeff, breakthrough in the CEO Factory? CEO Process Implementation Long Term Planning CEO Candidacy Programme for an emergency, 1994 CEO Candidates 24 survived Management Development and Compensation Committee Appraisal on Personality and ability(1-2 yrs) 8 Board members collective interviews Management Ability Test (3-4 yrs) Job rotation in divisions - One of final three candidates - designate backup Decision Merit (TO/Profits) check and CEO interview - young, expansive thinking Time consumed 6 years 5 months 1. Tracing Young Turks - Scanning high - potential cases 2. Global Mgt Capability - Leadership, Strategy - Human Resource 3. Crisis Capability - Adversity - Venture, New Area 4. CEO Candidate - CEO School - Competency 5. CEO Cultivation Team - Professional Support - Mentor by J. Welch Immelt’s Narratives • Repositioning the portfolio and diversification – From a process oriented company to creativity and fundamentals – Emphasizes organic growth rather than deals, divesture (Necessity after Welch’s era) • Innovation Management – “Imagination Breakthroughs” for sustainable growth • New Ethical policy (Core Value) and its connection to personnel - 8 Values and 4 Actions (‘Integrity’) • Changing the culture – Outsiders to high rank positions – Diversifying the top ranks ...
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...minefield and, in the social media era, one that's entirely avoidable. I've never been unable to locate an old friend or classmate online. It's particularly easy for graduates of Harvard, which maintains a great alumni website--it's where Facebook started, after all. Anyone interested in me can find my professional record on LinkedIn, family photos on Facebook, and many hilarious tweets. If one wanted to have a real conversation--as opposed to an exchange of resumes--my address is the third result that comes up when you Google me. I'm a good e-mailer and I like to have lunch. Curmudgeonly reservations notwithstanding, I've happily attended many reunions for the other institutions with which I've been meaningfully affiliated: East Meadow High School in Long Island, John Jay College of...
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...CHAPTER 3 COLONIAL HISTORY TRACKED Colonialism trumpeted the cultural superiority and rightness of the White. The European empire is said to have held sway over more than eighty-five percent of the rest of the globe by the time of the First World War, having consolidated power and control over several centuries. One of the ways by which colonialism maintained power was by writing its own histories. These histories were conceived within grand narratives of progress, expansion and enlightenment. Inevitably, they both systematically and accidentally recast, ignored and silenced other competing histories from the places and cultures with which they came into contact. Post - colonial studies has consequently set itself the task of examining and challenging those narratives, developing other ways of telling histories, and re – evaluating other ways of remembering. If post- colonial literature means the interrogation of the subaltern to the “center”, no other book is representative of the post-colonial theory and practice as Amitav Ghosh’s The Glass Palace. The novel won the 2001 Frankfurt e – book Award of fifty thousand dollars Grand Prize for Fiction. Abreast of the contemporary academic debates about colonialism and culture, Ghosh is well-equipped in challenging the institutionalized perspectives...
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...Chapter Four Creating my embodied knowing In being a leader Chapter Four connects my learning from experience, the creation of my embodied knowing as a leader, my integration of ideas from the literature on leadership and my support for individuals to develop their capacities as I discover and manage resources to support visions of an improved educational system. I conclude by emphasizing the importance of my knowledge-creation in my professional practice as a Superintendent of Schools and by asking and answering the question: Why is there no simple or even complex answer to “what is educational leadership?” In the rhythm of the work, my efforts are often full of risk, sometimes disastrous, at which point I fall back, renew my energy and with my recognized tenacity, try another route. I will reveal as well how I carry that spirit, that life-affirming energy (Bataille, 1962; Whitehead, 1999) embodied in my whole being with a passion and internal power to effect good. Feminist Barbara Du Bois (1983) writes of "passionate scholarship" as being "science-making, which is rooted in, animated by and expressive of our values" (p. 113) (Belenky, et. al., 1986, p. 141). One of the reasons I can accomplish as much as I do is that the work and the relationships appear to be many and complex but because they are inter-related and connected they provide a synergy that produces results in numbers of seemingly different and unrelated focus areas. I find that as I am supporting...
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...Ed) (pp. 507-554). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Chapter 12 The Psychology and Pedagogy of Reading Processes P. David Pearson and Gina Cervetti As we approach the monumental task of living up to the standard imposed by our predecessor, the late Michael Pressley, in writing the reading chapter for this, the seventh volume in the series of Handbooks of Psychology, we are both privileged and humbled by the opportunity of continuing the legacy of providing a comprehensive account of new theoretical and empirical contributions to reading research. Respectful of the cross-age approach that Pressley took in the last volume (account for progress of beginning readers, adolescent and adult readers— and along the way highlight some pedagogical processes that are salient at all levels, such as word recognition, vocabulary, and comprehension), we took a different approach. We decided to focus on reading as a fundamentally cognitive process that can be influenced by contextual forces at many levels, most notably for education, schools, and policy environments. Thus we deal with the fundamental psychological aspects of reading—word level processes (including subword processes such as phonological awareness and decoding, word reading, and vocabulary, with all of its entailments), and text-level processes as they are grounded in structures, genres, and disciplinary knowledge pursuits. After the account of these cognitive processes, we turn to a setting-level analysis, in...
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...A NATION ABORTED A BOOK REPORT Submitted by: Mang Kanor 2009-01541-mn-0 BSIT 4-4 Submitted to: Prof. Rhodora Agustin HIST1023 Introduction Recuperating a missing past and apparition, an offer to review and reconsider his venture, and to alter the Filipino’s spirit on patriotism. Finding out the path of the Filipino patriot crusade from its origin in the late 19th century to its deformation and co-optation by US imperialism in the early years of the 20th century--- through a lineage of the rise and fall of the figure of Rizal, the national hero. Rebuilds Rizal's visionary of the state, a moral vision that was appreciated by associated state of mind in the so-called Propaganda Movement as well as the Katipunan, and reverberated deeply with the revolutionary spirit of 1896--- the moral vision that establishes what is most vital and rational in Rizal's lifework, in today's era of genocidal claims of sovereignty and predatory. Author’s Biography Floro Quibuyen obtained the Ph.D in Political Science and M.A in Anthropology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and the B.A in Philosophy (minor in Psychology) at the University of the Philippines in Diliman. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses across the disciplines, such as philosophy, mathematical logic, debating, art appreciation, drama and cinema, filmmaking and TV direction, anthropology, psychology, political science, and history (at the University of the Philippines, University...
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...concept of resilience. It also identifies the differences in traumatic events and reactions experienced by men compared to women, those related to the experience of immigration, and cross generational transmission of trauma. Descriptions of empirically-supported treatment approaches of traumatized individuals at the different stages of the life cycle are offered. Keywords PTSD Á Large-T and micro-traumas Á Neurobiology Á Gender differences Á Immigrants Á Treatment approaches The past is never dead. It’s not even past. William Faulkner The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them aloud is the central dialectic of psychological trauma. Judith Lewis Herman S. L. A. Straussner (&) Silver School of Social Work, New York University, 1 Washington Sq. North, New York, NY 10003, USA e-mail: sls1@nyu.edu A. J. Calnan Howard Center, 1 So. Prospect Street, Burlington, VT 05401, USA e-mail: ajcalnan@gmail.com Introduction As recognized by William Faulkner and Judith Herman, as well as by many other writers and mental health professionals, trauma can take a tremendous psychological toll that may not disappear even with the...
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...State University, DSU Box 3264, Cleveland MS 38733, USA; The College Board, Chicago, USA Tourism can serve as a vehicle for sustainable community development by contributing to equity and social justice. This happens as tourists learn about marginal groups through educational tourism, engage in development projects with host-area residents, undertake pilgrimages that bring greater meaning and cohesiveness to an ethnic identity, or encounter stories that transform their view of social injustice and spur further action to reduce inequities. Tourism planning can produce a sense of reconciliation when it brings historically divided groups together. An example is found in Tallahatchie County, Mississippi, where a group of white and African American residents are collaborating to develop tourism projects designed around a narrative of reconciliation, while they use the process of tourism planning to work towards racial reconciliation within their community. This case illustrates strategies tourism planners employ and challenges they face when they envision tourism as more than merely a means of economic growth. Keywords: heritage tourism; Mississippi Delta; racial reconciliation; social justice; sustainable community development The advantages of tourism to rural communities are generally painted as economic: developing a tourism industry brings in ‘‘fresh’’ dollars, provides jobs and offers opportunities for local entrepreneurship (National Agricultural Library, 2008; World Travel...
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...pursue their separate ethnicity with-in the United States, but when approached abroad with-in another country, they seem to consider themselves as Americans vice African-American, Mexican American, Asian American, etc. (Perez and Hirshmann, “The Changing Racial and Ethnic Composition of the United States). Many Americans have multiple identities that reflect complex ancestral origins, tribal and communal associations, and varied ideological outlooks on race and culture. In general, people do not change their ethnicities as a matter of fashion, but they may emphasize different aspects depending on the circumstances. The United States is better off by classifying everyone by their ethnic background for one simple reason; to accurately report the origins of their parents, grandparents, and more distant ancestors. In many cases, knowledge of ancestral origins is passed along in families or communities, but...
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...This article was downloaded by: [Texas A&M University-Commerce] On: 05 January 2015, At: 16:08 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Geopolitics Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/fgeo20 Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security Jan Selby & Clemens Hoffmann a a b Department of International Relations, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK b Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Published online: 30 Oct 2014. Click for updates To cite this article: Jan Selby & Clemens Hoffmann (2014) Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security, Geopolitics, 19:4, 747-756, DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2014.964866 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14650045.2014.964866 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon...
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...Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies, Jodi Dean argues that “imagining a rhizome might be nice, but rhizomes don’t describe the underlying structure of real networks,”1 rejecting the idea that there is such a thing as a nonhierarchical interconnectedness that structures our contemporary world and means of communication. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, on the other hand, argue that the Internet is an exemplar of the rhizome: a nonhierarchical, noncentered network—a democratic network with “an indeterminate and potentially unlimited number of interconnected nodes [that] communicate with no central point of control.”2 Our journey begins with early modernism, and if early modernism had a theme, it was oneness. This focus on oneness or unity, on the whole rather than on individual parts, What is at stake in settling this dispute? Being. And, knowledge and power in that being. More specifically, this paper explores how a theory of social ontology has evolved to theories of social ontologies, how the modernist notion of global understanding of individuals working toward a common (rationalized and objectively knowable) goal became pluralistic postmodern theories embracing the idea of local networks. Furthermore, what this summary journey of theoretical evolution allows for is a consideration of why understandings of a world comprising emergent networks need be of concern to composition instructors and their practical activities in the classroom: networks produce knowledge. 1. Jodi...
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...Nina Wohl Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences AHIS W4855 African American Artists in the 20th and 21st Centuries Spring 2012 Research Paper – African American Art & the Great Depression The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn of the twentieth century. The federal government took unprecedented action to provide relief, recovery and reform. No group was harder hit by the Great Depression than African Americans. The New Deal was slow to deal with the unique situation faced by African Americans. The struggles of the Great Depression laid the foundation for the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. Art would play an important role in influencing the future. Despite its limitations, the New Deal, through the Works Progress Administration’s (WPA) Federal Arts Program (FAP), was responsible for reshaping the cultural agenda and “marked a significant turning point in the production of black culture.”1 The artists of the Great Depression built upon the work done during the Harlem Renaissance. New Deal art extended and affirmed art that translated “politics into cultural terms.”2 The FAP looked for a “new sense of authentic American culture – one that championed national values and traditions by celebrating regional and racial diversity.”3 As a result, many artists worked to place African Americans in the historical narrative of the United States while combating long held stereotypes. None were less important than Aaron Douglas...
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...The MIT Press http://www.jstor.org/stable/1511610 . Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. The MIT Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Design Issues. http://www.jstor.org DesignHistory DesignStudies: or ject Sub Matter Methods and Victor Margolin This a slightly is revised version a talk of that waspresented theconference at "Design: e Storia Storiografia" and (Design: history historiography) was heldat theMilan which Politecnico 15-16April It on 1991. wasfirst published Design in Studiesv. no.2 (April 13 1992): 104-116, is reproduced with and here thepermission Butterworth-Heinemann, of UK. Oxford, Judging from the numberof publications,conferences,and exhibitions in recent years that have focused attention on design in the past, one might assume that design history is a flourishing enterprise. Thereare now active societies of design historiansin Britain, the United States,and Scandinavia and severalinternational conferences of design historianshave been held. The...
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...States 1 Caught in a meager, anonymous space outside a drab Arab city, outside a refugee camp, outside the crushing time of one disaster after another, a wedding party stands, surprised, sad, slightly uncomfortable. Palestinians — the telltale mixture of styles and attitudes is so evidently theirs — near Tripoli in northern Lebanon. A few months after this picture was taken their camp was ravaged by intra-Palestinian fighting. Cutting across the wedding party’s path here is the ever-present Mercedes, emblazoned with its extra mark of authenticity, the proud D for Deutschland. A rare luxury in the West, the Mercedes — usually secondhand and smuggled in — is the commonest of cars in the Levant. It has become what horse, mule, and camel were, and then much more. Universal taxi, it is a symbol of modern technology domesticated, of the intrusion of the West into traditional life, of illicit trade. More important, the Mercedes is the all-purpose conveyance, something one uses for everything — funerals, weddings, births, proud display, leaving home, coming home, fixing, stealing, reselling, running away in, hiding in. But because Palestinians have no state of their own to shield them, the Mercedes, its provenance and destination obscure, seems like an intruder, a delegate of the forces that both dislocate and hem them in. “The earth is closing on us, pushing us through the last passage,” writes the poet Mahmoud Darwish. Tripoli, Badawi camp, May 1983. 2 The paradox of mobility...
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