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Rhyme Monologue

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Pages 14
No Reason For A Rhyme
By: Ricky Karr

“Thoughts at A21”
July, 2013
Indianapolis, IN

Blank faces,
Starring faces.
Vacantly mesmerized by various screens.
Never smiling,
Almost mean.

Me… drowning myself in headphones…
New Slang…
Reminds me of my wedding,
My wife,
My children.
I Miss them already, haven’t even left yet…
Delayed a half an hour.

Surrounded by angry entitled businessmen -- and metal…
The things “they” wish you not to bring on an aircraft.
Sleeping old woman with a book. Too tired to read.
Ok… yes, she’s breathing…

Lip singing verses.
No sound.
Time to board, to teleport to the mountains.
I shall return…

July, 2013
Indianapolis, IN

What are they starring at?
Do I have,
Shit on my face? No--
Just …show more content…
“Sandcastles and Foam”
Dec. 2013
Sanibel Island, FL

Not a worry in the world.
My yellow shark fin warning,
Those who walk past.
Complete freedom.

Sandcastles and wakes,
Wake the playful spirit within.
Dashing through the foam,
Digging deep in the sand.

The taste of salt,
On the tip of my tongue,
As the breeze passes.
Sweet, as the smell of cloves dance by.

Listening to the birds as they say,
“It’s a sunny day,”
As I’m hit with the ocean spray.

“Misplaced Vanity in the Sand”
Dec. 2013
Sanibel Island, FL

The beach is a funny place.
Flocks and flocks of people,
Indulging in things that at the same time,
They are contradictorily try to avoid.

They love the water,
But won’t get in.
They try to sit in the sand,
Without getting sandy.
They want to soak up the Sun, but yet
Slather themselves with chemicals to block it.

Enjoy your vacation,
Experience the ocean,
Burn to a crisp,
And get sand in your ass.
Because no one,
No one’s at the beach,
To look at YOU… “Fuck Pigeons”
Dec. 2013
Sanibel Island, FL

The sand in my toes,
The Sun in my face,
A beer, a book, and a cigarette,
Are all I need.

Although a cooler is nice.
I also need a lighter.
And some sea shells to throw,
At pigeons.

“The View”

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