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Jane Austen Research Paper

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During the Romantic Age, which span from 1798 to 1832, Britain was involved in some wars. Throughout the wars the government ignored problems that were caused by the industrial revolution. The liberal minded Britons turned to literature for a “political outlet for their hopes and dreams” (Kinsella 616). Romantics lost faith in science and reason, characteristics of the eighteenth-century thought and literature, because they were living in a world of tyranny and factories. (Kinsella 617) The Romantic view on nature was that nature was a wild free force that could inspire poets through instinctive spiritual understanding, which was much different from the eighteenth-century view on nature . Romantics wrote about nature and a pure, simple life …show more content…
The Austens lived in Steventon which is a rural village in Hampshire England where her father was a rector at an Anglican Church (Warren par 3). Her whole family was very close knit. She was closest to her sister Cassandra, her father and her brother Henry. As an Austen family activity Jane and her siblings would put on private plays in their living room (Warren par 4). “Growing up, the Austen children lived in an environment of open learning, creativity and dialogue” (Warren par 3). In 1785 Jane and Cassandra were sent to Abbey School House where her and her sister Cassandra were to receive a formal education, which consisted of mainly French, dancing, and music. When she came home her brothers and father took over the role of teaching her (“Jane Austen” par 4). Most of what she learned, and her love of literature came from the books that she read in her father’s library (Warren par 5). In 1800 Jane’s father moved them all to Bath where Jane was exposed to a new environment (“Jane Austen” par 24). As a result of her family environment where she was always encouraged to write and read, Jane was able to find her love for stories, which later helped her in her career as an …show more content…
“Jane Austen’s sharp, satirical eye and brilliant dialogue have made her enormously popular today” (Kinsella, 778). All of Austen’s novels have been made into feature films, some even more than once (Kinsella, 778). There were movie adaptations of Pride and Prejudice in the years 1940 and 2005 (Warren par 2). She also influenced many authors such as: Sophie Kinsella who wrote the “Shopaholic” series (Hernandez par 5). Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones’ Diary was directly based off of Austen’s work (Hernandez par 6). People have also expanded her works: Linda Berdoll expanding on Pride and Prejudice with Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife and Darcy and Elizabeth: Nights and Days at Pemberly (Hernandez par

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