Premium Essay

Najmah Loss Of Voice Analysis

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(AGG) A voice can mean many things, but what will happen when a person loses their literal voice along with their say in their life. (BS-1) Najmah loses her voice in her life because of the loss of her family. (BS-2) Then regains her hope and by that starts to make her own decisions and makes a plan to find her remaining family. (BS-3) Lastly she takes back control over her life and is able to speak again. (TS) Najmah loses her voice in a literal way and in a way where she had control over her life because her remaining family has died, she soon regains her hope and voice because of the possibility that her brother and father are still alive.

(MIP-1) Najmah loses her voice and “say” in her life because she has lost her family. (SIP-A) An …show more content…
(SIP-A) Najmah starts to regain her hope because of the possibility that her father and brother could still be alive. (STEWE-1) Najmah is absolutely determined to find her family and will do whatever it takes to reunite with them. “Reuniting with them is my one and only reason for existence, and if I must do it as Shaheed, then I will be Shaheed for as long as necessary” (150). Najmah knows about the possibility that her brother and father can still be alive and will do whatever it takes to find them and Najmah also finally realizes that both her silence and her disguise can help her find her brother and father because if she is a boy she can go out alone without being beat up and if she is silent, no one will be able to find out that she isn’t actually a boy. (STEWE-2) Najmah now has absolute hope that her brother and father are still alive and found a chance to find her brother and father and she will not let it pass. "This may be my only chance to find Baba-jan and Nur so i stay inside, lying on top of the fruit" (156) Najmah has this chance to find her brother and father and she does not want to waste it because she doesn’t know whether she will get another chance before something bad happens to either her brother or father or herself. (SIP-B) Najmah starts to make her plan to find her brother and father without letting Khalida’s family …show more content…
(SIP-A) Najmah is able to regain her ability to speak because Nusrat found out Najmah was not a boy due to the class. (STEWE-1) Najmah was able to regain the ability to speak because Nusrat found out that she wasn't a boy and was frightened and did not know what to do. “But it is very dangerous for you to pretend you’re a boy” (194). Since Nusrat has found out Najmah is not actually a boy Najmah is frightened because normally if people found out she was disguised as a boy she would be beaten to death. (STEWE-2) Since Nusrat has already found out Najmah is a girl Najmah has no need to keep silent any longer and want’s to know how Nusrat found out. “How did you know?” Najmah knew if she kept silent any longer the situation might have gotten worse and found the ability to speak again. Nusrat knew Najmah was not a boy because of the calluses, the calluses Najmah had been from work that girls usually do not boys. (SIP-B) She is able to take back her life partly because of nut who had come back alive. (STEWE-1) Najmah takes her most of her life back because of Nur. "I run to Nur and throw my arms around him" (251). Najmah is overjoyed to see her older brother alive, but Nur has also brought bad news to their father, Baba-jan, has died and now Najmah still has one more piece of her life to take back because of her father’s last wish. (STEWE-2) Najmah with Nur by her side knows she

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