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Social Injustice In The NFL

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During the 2017 NFL season there has been an outbreak of players across the league who during which the national anthem is being played before games are choosing to take a knee, holding up fist, and even going as far as staying in the locker room and not attending the playing of the anthem at all. While I believe that players have the right to express their beliefs as long as it is in a peaceful manner, I do not support these players using their platform as a NFL football player to in my belief, disrespect the flag and the United States military.
This display of protesting in the NFL was started by then quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, Collin Kaepernick during the 2016 season. He stated that his reasoning for kneeling during the anthem was in protest of police brutality and black lives matter coalition. The national anthem is a symbol of freedom and love for the United States Of America and by not standing while it is being played before games is a sign of disrespect for our great country. The reasoning stated by most players is that the United Sates is a racist nation and that there is to much social injustice in America. While I agree that there is still racism throughout America I also …show more content…
I feel that by taking a knee is showing the soldiers across our nation that these players do not respect or appreciate everything that our military stands for as well as fights for. These soldiers have died so that these player can have the exact freedom of speech that they are using to protest. These soldiers did not die for you to have the ability to sit or stand on cue for the national

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