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Nfl Pros And Cons

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Recently on the media there has been conversation about NFL players deciding to kneel during the national anthem to protest the unnecessary police brutality on people of color. The protest have brought up two significant beliefs of the Unites States, nationalism and freedom of speech. People point out that kneeling when citizens are supposed to show respect to the flag, which represents the nation, is qute disrespectful and unpatriotic. In addition, they believe disrespecting the United States also displays unappreciation to the soldiers who risk their lives everyday. However, the protesters justify their actions by stating that they should be able to do this because the flag represents the beliefs of the country portrayed in the United States …show more content…
The Glorious Revolution established the first Constitutional Monarchy and Created the Bill of Rights. The English Bill of Rights states that the English people believe in toleration with other religions, the government is not totally controlled by the Royal family, taxations needs consent of the Parliament, and allows the freedom of speech to members of Parliament. The Britans had the expectations of self government when they came to the American colonies. Due to the American Revolution these ideas from the Enlightenment were put into practice to make the government United States now has today. The American revolution brought the basic principles of the government that we have today: popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial review and federalism. The concept of popular sovereignty comes from the ideas that Locke and Hobbes synthesized during the Enlightenment of State of Nature. State of Nature state's political power comes from the people and should be given to other people or another person. Furthermore, limited government requires a social contact in the United States’ case it would be the Constitution. A social contract expects the people to obey the laws, contribute to funding the government with taxes for common defense and to expect the rights of other people. Meanwhile, the government's duty from a social contract is to establish justice, enforcing the Rule of Law first established by the Romans; guard the domestic peace and happiness, idea enforced by Thomas Hobbes in the Leviathan; and ensure that the people have liberty, concept synthesized by Locke, Voltaire and Montesquieu during the Enlightenment. Moreover, Separation of powers Separations of powers in the United States was inspired by the Romans, English government, and the philosopher Montesquieu. Political power

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