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Favorite Branding


Submitted By rbistos
Words 729
Pages 3
Favorite Brand Paper Phyllis Renee Bistos
April 8, 2015
Geraldine Goodstone

Favorite Brand Paper

Branding is more than just a company logo. When a person thinks about a company they should think about great service, great products and great prices. My favorite brand is Starbucks, because of their ability to stand out in every aspect of branding. Effective branding can give a company the edge needed in a competitive market. Branding tells your customers what kind of company you are and what they can expect from your products and service. In my opinion Starbucks has the best tasting coffee drinks. I also appreciate the fact that Starbucks offers free Wi-Fi in a comfortable atmosphere where I can work on homework. Starbucks is also good to their employees by offering tuition reimbursement and fair wages.

The Reasons I am Passionate about the Starbucks Brand I have been a Starbucks customer ever since I can remember. The first reason I am passionate about Starbucks is because of the quality of their products. I love the taste of their coffee, teas, and food products. They also have a large variety of drinks available so a person never gets tired of the same thing. The second reason I am passionate about Starbucks is because of their customer service. I always receive fast and friendly service at Starbucks. The final reason I am passionate about Starbucks is because of their rewards program. The Starbucks reward program is designed to reward loyal customers for their purchases. The rewards program is offered in different levels. Once a person reaches the Gold level they receive a free drink or food item after earning 12 stars. Loyal Customer Relationships across Different Groups

I believe Starbucks is successful in building a loyal customer

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