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Features of Hrm


Submitted By Arunss
Words 1011
Pages 5
2. Write the features of HRM

Human resources refers to the people that work for an organization and the capabilities of these people. The fun resource management covers (HRM) all the activities that are designed to acquire, preserve, develop and use th in an organization. The basic purpose of HRM is to make effective and efficient use of human resources of an o towards achievement of the goals and objectives of the organization.

The various areas of influence of the HRM include the following.

Determination of the right quality and quantity of different types of human resource assets required by th meet its current and future requirements.

Determining and implementing business policies and practices that are best suited to acquire, develop, re effectively the human resources in the organization.
∑Recruitment of people.
Ongoing management of activities related to remuneration of people and development and maintenance organizational culture and work environment, conducive to effective and efficient working of people as groups.
∑Providing support for recruitment of the required people in the organization.
Providing support for decision making on increment, promotions, transfer and other similar people relate organization.
Providing support for ongoing development and training of the people, in line with requirement of the or current availability of skills and capabilities.
Pervasive Force: HRM is pervasive in nature. Ii is present in all enterprises. It permeates all levels of organization
Action Oriented: HRM focuses attention on action rather than on record keeping, written proced problems of employees at work are solved through rational policies.
Individually Oriented: It tries to help employees develop their full potential. It encourages them to gi organization. It motivates employees through a systematic process of recruitment, selection,

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