1. Felix’s testimony that, on the way to the hospital, Oscar said “Marsha did this.” The testimony by Felix's admissible in court because Oscar made the statement under duress at the field that he was going to die so therefore with the fear of death upon him the court considers this statement a truthful statement and can be the hearsay Federal rule 804 as well Federal rule 803 (1) exception.
2. Oscar’s patient chart from the hospital, in which the doctor recorded Oscar’s statement that: “A friend gave me some brownies. They tasted a little funny, but I ate them. About ten minutes later, my heart started beating fast, this shaking started, and I had to vomit. Help me!” The emergency room’s head nurse will testify that the hospital has regular guidelines for documenting patient illnesses, and that Oscar’s chart complied with those guidelines. The head nurse did not hear Oscar’s statement; the doctor who treated him is not available to testify at trial. The medical records of Oscar can be used admit it as evidence under Federal rule 803(4) because it's Oscar's medical records and then also Federal rule 803 (5) entered in…show more content… The police officer’s testimony that Oscar said “my friend Marsha” when asked who gave him the brownies. Marsha can I give any testimony on what I just said if you have no first-hand knowledge who gave Oscar the marijuana brownies under Federal rule 801 hearsay. She can give information under Federal rule 804 I still available for testifying. she can not give any information he gave her at the time unless you told him while dying Declaration on he felt that he was dying. Then that information would be admissible but he still might have not told her what was he could have gave his suspicions and he think it could have been. If the Prosecution would like to allow or get the judge to allow The testimony she could use federal rule 806 he or she This is one example of another hearsay rule that can be entered underas