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Feminist Argumentative Analysis

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“The Defense Department recently announced new policies that will open more than 14,000 military job opportunities to women. Which seems like a great step—except that more than 200,000 positions will still remain exclusive to men, from front-line infantry positions to high-level special operations roles.” States Dani Moritz from The Muse. Women have been casted into the background when it came to serious positions. Not only does this scream inequality for women but also stereotyping and it generally throws women’s rights right out of the window.
Women began to climb the latter and finally became equal to men, well almost. Women’s rights include but is not limited to positions that any man can hold, promotions that were not allowed beforehand …show more content…
Women have been known not to be able to do what men can do physically. Although women tend to want to do what men do, when the time comes they are not able to live up to the standards it requires to do what men do. During this time, many feminists believed that women should do everything that men should and can do. A study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that men had an average of 26 lbs. (12 kilograms) more skeletal muscle mass than women and that they had more upper and lower body strength. (Russell). In addition, women’s courage and bravery have been in question after being in Iraq and lacking aggression in life threatening …show more content…
The gender roles put in place for the sex of human happens right after the birth of a baby. For a female, the baby’s room would be pink while for a male it would be blue. Parents won’t worry about their baby girl going into the military for infantry compared to a man. The stereotypes that have been put in place makes it harder for women to do anything a man can do because of the teachings that we preach to our children. We tell men to be strong, not to cry and to take the pain rather than being sensitive. This is different from what we tell women, in fact, it’s the direct opposite. Men are physically trained harder and often pushed to their limits while female limits are naturally smaller.
In addition, the whole topic of women fighting on the front lines takes away from what the military is for. The military is for protecting your home away from home. Keeping civilians safe while men risk their life to keep us safe. Anything that takes our mind off of that, such as this social experiment of putting women on the front line keeps us from focusing on what’s important and that’s the safety of this nation.

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