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Submitted By kaylynromero
Words 554
Pages 3
Kaylyn Romero
Mr. Anderson
English 1010
25 March 2015

Annotated RO Bibliographys
Protest Continue In Ferguson After Police Officers Are Shot. Phil Helsel, 12 Mar. 2015. Web.

1. Demonstators briefly blocked a road during the protest. About 100 protestors and 20 officers, NBC affiliate KSDK reported. 2. St. Louis Regional Crime stoppers offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the shooter or shooters. 3. President Barrack Obama also condemned the violence, and said on twitter that the “path to justice is one all of us must travel together.”

I plan to use this source to further demonstrate to show evidence towards the shooting of the two police officers that were shot in Missouri. This shows how protestors and also president Obama reacted to this chaos. Also, shows that the Micheal Brown shooting led to this.

Gallagher, Jim. “St. Louis Post.” In Ferguson, Optimism about the City’s Revival Turns around to Ferguson Police Shooting 12 Aug. 2014. Web.

1. Micheal Brown, unarmed teen, was shot to death by Ferguson Police Officer. 2. On Sunday night, looting and arson broke out West Florissant Avenue, leaving neighbors and business owners to wonder what comes next.

This newspaper article will be a helpful source because it gives information about things that were going on in the City that could have led to the shooting of Micheal Brown. It explains the population rate before and after the shooting and how they spruced up the town a little.

“China Daily.” 2 Police Officers Shot in Ferguson 3 Mar. 2015. NEWSPAPER. WEB. 13 Mar. 2015

1. Two officers were shot during a protest in front of the Ferguson police department. 2. A 32 year old officer from nearby Webster Groves was shot in the face and a 41 year old officer from St. Louis County was shot in the shoulder.

This source will help to investigate clues to as why both officers were shot and by whom they were shot by. This newspaper article states everything that took place the day of the shooting of the two police officers.

“Micheal Brown ‘no angel’ controversy.” BBC NEWS. Annie Waldman. Web. 24 Aug. 2014.

1. This article paints an intimate portrait of Micheal Brown’s life. 2. It also reveals some of the personal struggles he faced in days leading to his death. 3. Some critcs consider Mr. Brown’s illict activites a normal part of being a teenager, and not an indictment on his character.

I plan to use this source to show how micheal brown’s life was before his death and the events that led to his death. This article states how many critcs and also the media say that Micheal Brown was “no angel” before his death.

“Autospy shows Micheal Brown had close-range wound to hand.” CBS News. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.

1. Micheal Brown’s autopsy shows the 18 year old was shot in the hand at close range. 2. Brown’s family attorney said that the autopsy offers no insight into why Wilson killed brown. 3. Wilson told investigators that he was pinned in his vehicle and in fear for his life.

This is a great source for this research paper because it gives all the information you will need, even includes the autopsy report and what Wilson and brown’s family said in court room.

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