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Festivals of Medival Age


Submitted By wendy22
Words 971
Pages 4
Festivals were important to people in the Middle Ages because it balanced out

from all of their work and stress. It gave them a time to have fun and enjoy life. Many

of the festivals related to religion and nature to reminded everyone to be thankful.

There were festivals celebrated for every month of the year because of religious

purposes. Everyone of all social classes were involved in the celebrations. At these

functions they would socialize, sell their goods, and eat foods made by traveling

cooks. What individuals did at these gatherings was based on their social class.

In medieval times, the main source of entertainment for the people of a variety of

festivals, they will attend. In these functions, they will socialize, sell their products,

and most importantly, by eating foods made traveling chef. Good food and drink is the

key to successful festival. There is always a variety of food and drinks, but sometimes

it depends on a person status in the social hierarchy, they are allowed to consume.

Medieval castle society like a trapezoid, the most important position in the top rung of

the ladder, and in the bottom of the least important.

It is important to know what foods to eat different categories are allowed, because

it also affects what is available so that they have at the festival. Each festival is

different, what categories of individuals belonging to what happened there is really

dependent. For those living in the medieval period, the fair will have the luxury food,

color, music and noise mound. A good example of this is Robert Dudley (as described

above), the festival ran in honor of the Queen nineteen days. Festivals also use traders

from other communities and nations in these times to a small town, selling and trading

their products, such as silk, herbs, exotic foods, and sometimes even cattle. It is

popular in these times, because it gives people a chance to town, selling and trading

their products as well as the purchase and exchange with other merchants. In addition

to know this, we can be pretty sure they eat a lot of food, and that there is a significant

movement, such as music, dance and games.

Types of food can be found in medieval festival depends on how much money is

put into it, it is located, what time of year it is. However, there are some popular food;

There are many types of meat, such as cattle, pigs, geese, starlings, chicken, vultures,

peacocks, sheep, bison, deer and bucks, just to name a few. In some places near rivers

or lakes, they would fish and seals, dolphins and porpoises and many other marine

animals. There are also a variety of fruits available, and sometimes they even cooked!

Provided their results also depend on the season, but it could include grapes, plums,

wild cherries, apples and pears. Often, apples and pears are cooked roasted, and gives

the right people. Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, started to become popular

when they were imported into European countries (Hull, 2005). Wealthy people can

afford to buy fruits such as current, figs, dates and prunes. They will also have onions,

garlic, peas and add to the already huge amount of food legumes. Roasts and stews

are likely to prepare food during this time the most popular way.

In medieval times, festivals and gatherings a source of entertainment,

dissemination of information, there is a place to meet, a way to eat. In the meantime,

food is an essential part of life, not only for the survival and nutrition, but it is also

symbol of wealth and status in society. Different food, symbolizing the different

levels of the hierarchical ladder of some foods is considered wealthy, and some are

considered only for "common" people. The festival is the color and vitality and

prosperity of their success is an important part of the food.

The word holiday comes from "holy day," it shows the links medieval festival, a

rest day between work and religious observances. In the Middle Ages, there really is

no such thing as a secular holiday; work and play is a religious calendar.

Christian-year holiday period, coincides with the natural rhythms of nature, for

the celebrations involving food and drink cannot be held during the time when food is

scarce. Vikings originally pagan holidays with the period of the season. In medieval

Europe, the holidays are around the planting and harvesting cycle has been carefully

arranged. Spring began to celebrate Easter holiday period (which is the annual full

moon after the first full moon after the vernal equinox the first Sunday) field

moveable feast. Easter is never celebrated as a major festival, however, because the

food is still somewhat scarce after winter. Instead, people usually kill a sheep or pig,

and two newborn spring. May, June and July months of hard agricultural work. Only

in late July to make the wish come next spring, so the upgrade and harvested from

August to December holiday period. Saints' day celebration holiday, and Christmas

celebrations autumn period and reached a climax.

Christmas season brings the full 12 days of leisure and celebration, festivals,

music and dance. Britain to celebrate the appointment of Bishop church one week or

unusual traditional two boys. The festival is often noisy and disrespectful, but

appreciate. Many people involved in the meantime reversed the normal order of the

world, "fool, feast" in medieval celebration - - and was appointed bishop of the boys.

In this festival, men dressed as women or beast, and clown king. The reversal aimed

at maintaining world order once used all obstacles. After Christmas time, several

festivals celebrated in the winter. Borrow, which marks 40 days before Easter

observed as a time of fasting, this year, when food scarcity during the often makes a

virtue of necessity.

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