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Final Assignment of Financial Institution


Submitted By moriom
Words 5483
Pages 22
Assignment on
Analysis of Balance Sheet Structure
Financial Institutions

Submitted to
Farjana Lalarukh
Department of Finance
University of Dhaka

Submitted by
|Sl No. |Name |Roll |
|01 |Moriom Akter |045 |
|02 |Tamanna Afrin Mitul |071 |
|03 |Rowson Akter |083 |
|04 |Tahmina Haque |097 |
|05 |Esrat Jahan |061 |

Date of submission
August 30, 2012.

1. Commercial Banks

Commercial Bank is a major player of the context of a country’s economy. As a financial intermediary it plays a very crucial role. In a developing country like us bank is the major and sometime the only reliable source of savings and landing.
In identifying the components of balance sheet of commercial bank almost same items are found in both in Property & Asset and Liabilities & Capital. As a sample I have taken four banks- Mercantile Bank Ltd., One Bank Ltd., Bank Asia Ltd and Prime Bank Ltd.
The common items of a balance sheet of commercial bank follows-

|Items |Weight |
|Property & Assets | |
|Loans & Advances

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