...IT1115 Introduction to Information Technology Syllabus Credit hours: 6.0 Contact/Instructional hours: 70 (50 Theory, 20 Lab) IT1115 Introduction to Information Technology Syllabus COURSE SUMMARY COURSE DESCRIPTION This course explores foundational topics related to information technology. Topics examined include computing devices, hardware, software, operating systems, computer networks, security, and computer programming. Logical problem solving, troubleshooting, and maintenance of computer systems are also introduced. MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL AREAS 1. Computer History and Fundamentals 2. Hardware 3. Operating Systems 4. Basic Networking 5. Basic Security 6. Software 7. Basic Programming 8. Web Technologies 9. Troubleshooting COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this course, you should be able to: 1. Identify the evolution of computers and different types of computers. 2. Convert numbers between binary, decimal, and hexadecimal number systems. 3. Explain the purpose, functions, and characteristics of a CPU. 4. Describe the physical components of a computer and various input and output devices, including storage and memory. 5. Describe the function of BIOS and the booting process of a computer. 6. Describe basic operating system architecture, its components, and storage management. © ITT Educational Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [2] 6/15/15 IT1115 Introduction to Information Technology Syllabus 7. Describe basic types of computer network topologies and connections...
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...1.50-2.49 Disagree 1 1.0-1.49 Strongly Disagree Study Habits of CS 1 Students: What do they do outside the classroom? Donald Chinn Institute of Technology University of Washington, Tacoma Tacoma, WA, USA 98402 dchinn@u.washington.edu Judy Sheard Faculty of Information Technology Monash University Victoria, Australia Judy.Sheard@infotech.monash.edu.au Angela Carbone Faculty of Information Technology Monash University Victoria, Australia Angela.Carbone@infotech.monash.edu.au Mikko-Jussi Laakso Department of Information Technology and Turku Centre for Computer Science (TUCS) University of Turku, Finland milaak@utu.fi Abstract In this paper, we report the results of a survey of the study habits of CS1 students. In this survey, students were asked how much time they spent on course-related activities such as reading the textbook, working on problems outside class, using online learning tools, and consulting with their instructor. We identified factors that influenced student study habits and how those factors affected students’ final course score. The findings show that students engaged in a wide range of study behaviours in terms of time spent and use of resources. Previous programming experience and lecture attendance were positive factors to final course score, and a tendency to work with others was a negative factor. We found no difference in final course score based on gender; however, females tended...
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...Department of Information Technology ENDT200: Introduction to Programming Credit Hours: 3 Length of Course: 8 Weeks Prerequisite(s): None | Table of Contents | Instructor Information | Evaluation Procedures | Course Description | Grading Scale | Course Scope | Course Outline | Course Objectives | Policies | Course Delivery Method | Academic Services | Course Resources | Selected Bibliography | Instructor Information | Instructor: Jason T. Black, PhD (also called “Dr. B”) Email: Use the Messages feature in the classroom to email me. Table of Contents Course Description (Catalog) | This course introduces students to writing computer programs. The class presents the principles of structured programming using the BASIC language, perhaps the most common language for personal computers. Because of its ease of use it is ideal as a first programming language and runs on both the PC and Macintosh platforms. The course is designed for people without previous programming experience who do not necessarily plan on becoming professional programmers. However, the knowledge gained in the class can be applied later to other languages such as C and Java. Participants learn to solve problems logically by breaking them into smaller pieces, which can then be solved. Topics include: introduction to computing - how does a computer work?; input and output - getting information to and from the user; variables and expressions - performing arithmetic; data...
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...Information from my Week 1 CIS/319 class readings will be used as a guide. Phases of the traditional Systems Development Life Cycle (SLDC) for a Bank ATM The Six Phases According to Moore, W., Nolan, E., & Gillard, “There are six different phases in a traditional systems development life cycle. The first phase is preliminary investigation, the second phase is system study, the third phase is system analysis, the fourth phase is programming and implementation, the fifth phase is support and maintenance, and the sixth phase is documentation”. (2006) According to Computer World, “Stages of the traditional system development lifecycle can be characterized and divided up in different ways, including the following: Project planning, feasibility study: Establishes a high-level view of the intended project and determines its goals. Systems analysis, requirements definition: Refines project goals into defined functions and operation of the intended application. Analyzes end-user information needs. Systems design: Describes desired features and operations in detail, including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams, pseudo code and other documentation. Implementation: The real code is written here. Integration and testing: Brings all the pieces together into a special testing environment, then checks for errors, bugs and interoperability. Acceptance, installation, deployment: The final stage of initial development, where the software is put into...
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...College of Business & Management ACCT504 Student Success Guide 1 Table of Contents Why a success guide? ................................................................................................................................. 3 What makes accounting challenging? ........................................................................................................ 3 How should I approach the course? ........................................................................................................... 3 Threaded Discussions.............................................................................................................................. 4 Homework Assignments ......................................................................................................................... 4 Course Project ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Midterm Exam ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Final Exam ............................................................................................................................................... 5 What resources are available? ...........................................................................................................
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...[pic] |Quantitative Methods – MAT 540 | |Student Course Guide | |Prerequisite: MAT 300 | |INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL – Required | |( including all mandatory software) | |Taylor, B. M. (2010). Introduction to management science (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. | |Treeplan add-on for Excel. This software is available in the Open Lab at Strayer campuses, and can also be downloaded from the textbook's | |companion Website. http://wps.prenhall.com/bp_taylor_introms_10/112/28870/7390752.cw/-/7390754/index.html | | | |COURSE DESCRIPTION | |Applies quantitative methods to systems management...
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...Engineering & Information Sciences Head of School Associate Professor Rajeev Sharma, Student Resource Centre, Tel: (02) 4221 3491 ISIT114 Object Oriented Programming Subject Outline Spring Session 2014 Consultation Times: Subject Coordinator Telephone Number: Email: Location: Dr. Sifer's consultation times during session: Day Monday Wednesday Subject Organisation: Session: Credit Points Contact hours per week: Lecture Times & Location: Tutorial Day, Time and Location can be found at: Spring Session, Wollongong Campus 6 credit points 2 Hours Lec, 2 Hours Lab Wed 10:30-12:30 67-104 http://www.uow.edu.au/student/timetables/index.html Time 9:00 - 11:00am 1:30 - 3:30pm Dr Mark Sifer 4221 4919 msifer @uow.edu.au 39.219 Students should check the subject's web site regularly as important information, including details of unavoidable changes in assessment requirements will be posted from time to time via MOODLE http://www.uow.edu.au/student/ . Any information posted to the web site is deemed to have been notified to all students. Subject Description: The aims of this subject are to consolidate and extend student's knowledge and skills in structured programming and to introduce them to the concepts and practice of object oriented programming. To achieve this aim the subject will provide students with an opportunity to develop further programming skills and good coding style; develop skills in using the object-oriented concepts of inheritance, encapsulation, construction, access control, overloading...
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... Command-line interface (CLI) essentials 5. Hardware configuration: display, network, and printer 6. Networking: Resource sharing and remote access 7. Backup and restore utilities 8. Installing software in Linux 9. Scripting: Bourne Again Shell (bash) and Perl 10. Apache Web Server installation and configuration Course Objectives 1. Discuss the history and unique characteristics of the Linux operating system. 2. Perform an installation of Linux. 3. Use the components and features of the GNOME desktop environment. 4. Perform basic tasks by using the command-line interface (CLI). 5. Use the various Linux process management features. 6. Create and execute basic scripts by using the Perl programming language and Bourne Again Shell (bash). 7. Configure computer hardware in Linux. 8. Administer and maintain a Linux system. 9. Install and update software in Linux 10. Access Linux network services using a Linux...
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...Pasig campus pangilinan DSITI-AI Oct 27 15 Java Programming java programming Introduction in java programming Objectives * Object-Oriented Programming Language * Object-Oriented Programming Principle * Benefits Of Object-Oriented Programming * Introduction To Java Programming * Resources Used To Create a Java Programming *Structures Of a Java Programming * Result Of Executing The Java Programing Object Oriented Programming Language (OOPL) OOPL Is An Extension Of Procedural Language. Involves Creating Program Components as Object Related To The Real Word. Writing Object-Oriented Programs Involves Creating Object And Application That Uses Those Objects. An Object Contains Both Data Procedures Can be packaged Into a Single Unit. Based On Three Concepts Encapsulation Ability To Bind Data And Procedures Into an Object. Inheritance Ability Of Objects To Acquire The Attributes Or Behavior Of Other Objects Or Classes. Polymorphism Ability of An Object To Take Many Forms Or Identities. Benefits Of Object-Oriented Programming *Reusability -Able To Reuse The Defined Objects. *Adaptability –Able to fit in different environment. *maintainability –Able to change easily. *reliability –Able to operate...
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...Wednesday: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., H-531 Zhigang (Will) Tian, Ph.D., Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering, ENCS. Office: EV7.637, extension 7918, tian@ciise.concordia.ca Office hours: Wednesdays from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., or by appointment. Course website: http://users.encs.concordia.ca/~tian/INSE6310 On the course website, you can find lecture slides, handouts, course project information, and other resources. Students are suggested to visit the course website regularly. 2. Course Description • This course teaches basic concepts, models, methods and tools in maintenance management. The related reliability concepts, deterministic replacement, preventive maintenance and condition based maintenance will be discussed. Case studies will be performed. Software tools will be introduced. 3. Prerequisites • • A solid background in Probability and Statistics is required to be successful in this course. MATLAB will be used as a tool to solve assignment problems (primarily Matlab and the Optimization Toolbox). 4. Course Materials • Textbook (required): o Andrew K.S. Jardine, Albert H.C. Tsang. Maintenance, Replacement, and Reliability: Theory and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2006. ISBN: 0849339669 • Available at the Concordia University Bookstore. • Put on reserve at the library, and can be borrowed and kept for up to 24 hours. References: o John D. Campbell, Andrew K.S. Jardine. Maintenance Excellence: Optimizing Equipment Life-Cycle Decisions...
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...……………………………………..2 3. PLANNING YOUR CAPSTONE PROJECT …………..........……………………………3 4. SUPERVISION………………………………………………………………………...……..3 5. ASSESSMENT………............................…………………………………………………..4 5.1 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE……………………………………………………………..4 6. MARKING SCHEME…………………...........................…..……………………………..4 7. EXAMPLES OF PAST CAPSTONE PROJECT TITLES……………..…..........………5 8. GUIDE TO CARRYING OUT RESEARCH………………………………………………..6 8.1 BEFORE YOU BEGIN…………………………………………………………………….…6 8.2 RESOURCES………………………………………………………………………………...6 9 SUBMITTING YOUR CAPSTONE PROJECT ……………….........………………...….9 10 PLAGIARISM……………………..……………………………………………………….…9 11 ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTATION .....................................................................9 APPENDIX A STAFF EXPERTISE FIELDS .…………………………...……………………………….11 APPENDIX B CAPSTONE PROJECT REGISTRATION FORM …..….……..................………..…12 APPENDIX C CAPSTONE PROJECT PROPOSAL …….……………....………………………….…13 1 Introduction This handbook is designed to help the final year students in the SEEU, Contemporary Science and Technologies (CST), to choose, plan, start and complete a successful Capstone project. The SEEU regulations require that students studying for CST, Contemporary Science and Technologies, complete a CAPSTONE PROJECT worth 12 ECST credits for Computer Science degree, 12 ECTS credits for ICT degree and 6 ECTS credits for Business Informatics degree...
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...Course Syllabus Course Information Course Number/Section Course Title Term Days & Times Professor Contact Information Professor Email Address Office Location Office Phone Office Hours CS/CE 6352-001 Performance of Computer Systems and Networks Fall 2014 TuTh 1:00 pm - 2:15 am, ECSS 2.311 Jason Jue jjue@utdallas.edu ECSS 4.408 (972) 882-4429 TuTh 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm, or by appointment Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and/or Other Restrictions A first course on probability theory. Course Description Overview of case studies. Brief review of probability theory. Queueing models and physical origin of random variables used in queueing models. Various important cases of the M/M/m/N queueing system. Little's law. The M/G/1 queueing system. Discrete time queueing systems. Simulation of queueing systems. Product form solutions of open and closed queueing networks. Convolution algorithms and Mean Value Analysis for closed queueing networks. Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes Ability to understand and apply M/M/1 queueing models Ability to understand and apply Little’s result for FIFO and non-FIFO queues Ability to understand and apply continuous parameter Markov chains and state dependent queueing models Ability to understand and apply M/G/1 queueing models Ability to understand and apply discrete parameter Markov chains and discrete-time queueing models Ability to understand and apply continuous-time open queueing network models Ability to understand and apply continuous-time...
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...Intro to programming final study guide 1. Name the components of a computer: CPU, RAM, Secondary storage devices, Input devices, Output devices 2. What does a disk drive do? A disk drive stores data by magnetically encoding it onto a circular disk. 3. What is the largest value that can be stored in a bit? 255 4. What is ASCII? ASCII is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange which is a set of 128 numeric codes that represent the English letters, various punctuation marks, and other characters 5. What is machine language? Machine language is written in 1s and 0s and known as binary. 6. How does a computer execute instructions? The computer uses the fetch-decode-execute cycle. 7. What is assembly language? Assembly language uses short words that are known as mnemonics instead of binary. 8. What is syntax? Syntax is a set of rules that must be strictly followed when writing a program. 9. What is an interpreter? An interpreter is a program that both translates and executes the instructions in a high level language program 10. What is a logic error? A logic error is a mistake that does not prevent the program from running, but causes it to produce incorrect results. 11. What is an algorithm? An algorithm is a set of well defined logical steps that must be taken to perform a task. 12. What is Pseudocode? Pseudocode is fake code. 13. What are the symbols used in a flowchart? The Ovals which are called terminal symbols that start and stop something, The...
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...All Students of first year of IT Management for Business. In this article I would like to illustrate three books what you may use during studying PHP language at The University. Students of first years usually have a big problem with proper choice of a good book. I will do my best to help you with this problem . The first book what I have chosen is “PHP The Bible” co-authors Tim Covers and Joyce Park. This fairly developed guide provides analysis of specific problems, also it help you become acquainted with the latest version of the PHP language to create scripts to HTML pages. This book will learn you how to create websites with tracking session, use PHP for object-oriented programming and how to join the PHP code directly to e-mail programs. You also will learn how to secure website from hackers and how to use practically the mechanisms of cookie and redirect “PHP4 The Bible” is the book that contains information for beginners and intermediate programmers of script based on PHP technology, which is becoming increasingly popular due to the speed of the running scripts. Authors of this book Tim Covers and Joyce Park, are great experts. Mr Covers is a programmer with experience in web developer and he is instructor at the University of Chicago. Joyce Park is a writer on open source topics and web developer and she create web sites using PHP technology. The primary advantage of this book is the style of writing. Clearly explained are considered problems. Language of this...
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...achieve strategic fit and scope through |Read Chapter 2 and answer the | | |Strategic Fit and Scope | |supply chain management |discussion questions | | |Supply Chain Drivers and Obstacles |3 |Deeper understanding of the elements of supply |Read Chapter 3 and answer the | | | | |chain performance |discussion questions | | |Designing distribution network and |4 |Significance of network design and the |Read Chapter 4 and answer the | | |introduction to linear programming | |available tool |discussion questions | | |Network design in a supply chain |5 |Supply chain network design in detail |Read Chapter 5 and answer the | |...
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