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Final Study Guide


Submitted By justinblakeabc
Words 3338
Pages 14

Conceptual considerations:

Discuss paradoxes and four orientations with which John Chasteen characterizes the changing foci of U.S. thinking on Latin America from the early 20th century to the present. •Racial/Cultural and Environmental Determinism: An image by Americans which suggested that Latin Americans are “Hot-Blooded Latins” with too much “non-white” blood, and do not have the self discipline needed in order to make a more democratic, stable society. There were Catholics, lacking a protestant work ethic. Americans also pictured Latin Americans to be lazy individuals. •Modernization Theory: Once the previous idea was settled, it came to the reality that the Latin American countries had to go through modernization, such as the United States, and their feeble network on which their society rested upon was that being criticized. •Dependency Theory: Students were sure that these two previous explanations were merely methods to blame the victims of abuse. They believed that Latin American economies stood in a dependent position relative to the world’s industrial powers. Therefore other nations took their overpowering stand, and forestalled Latin America’s industrialization. “Economic dependency” is why the nation did not follow the path it was supposed to follow. •Social Constructionism: The way race, gender, class, and national identities are “constructed” in people’s minds.

Discuss Michel Rolph Trouillot’s theory of historical narratives •History understood as the distinction and overlap of the socio-historical process (“what happened”) and the narratives about it (“what is said to have happened”). •Three capacities people have within socio-historic processes: actors, agents, subjects a) Agents: or occupants of the structural positions. (b) as actors in constant interference without a context. (c) as subjects, thats is

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...Study Guides and Lesson PlansStudy smarter. Welcome, Guest!Set Background  Blackboard Green Chalkboard Desk Sign In Join eNotes . HOMEWORK HELPSTUDY GUIDESLESSON PLANSQUIZZESeBOOKS & DOCUMENTSETEXTSSHAKESPEAREMATH HELPSCIENCE HELPSUBJECTS subjects LITERATUREHISTORYSCIENCEMATHARTSBUSINESSSOCIAL SCIENCESLAW AND POLITICSHEALTHBLOGJOIN eNOTESeNOTES PEOPLE Homework Help Better Students Ask More Questions. In Macbeth, how does the sergeant characterize Macbeth in Act I? What images does he... user profile pic hyun980106 Student Undergraduate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- eNotes Newbie Up1 DownTopic: Macbeth In Macbeth, how does the sergeant characterize Macbeth in Act I? What images does he associate with Macbeth? Posted by hyun980106 on March 5, 2009 at 9:55 AM via web and tagged with act i, literature, macbeth, sergeants description, the tragedy of macbeth 1 Answer | add yours user profile pic mshurn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- College Teacher -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Level 1) Educator Emeritus Up2 DownFrom the sergeant's description of Macbeth in battle, we can conclude that Macbeth is a strong and valiant soldier who does not retreat, despite the odds against him. Macbeth fights furiously in defense of his King and country, his sword...

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