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Financial Aspects of Management


Submitted By viktory89
Words 928
Pages 4
Financial Aspects of Management


Parikshit Jain (08EM-028)

Varun Sharma (08EM-051)

Anushree Singh (08EM-012)

Paras Sharma (08EM-027)

Suneet Sharma (08EM-047)

Raunaq Singh (08EM-034)
1) Introduction 3 a) Nestle India 3
2) EPS Calculation 3 a) EPS Break-up 3
3) D/E Calculation 4 a) Debt and Equity Values 4
4) Interest Coverage Ratio 5 a) EBIT - Interest Values 5
5) Project Financing 6 a) EPS 6 b) D/E 7 c) Coverage Ratio 7 d) Equity- Debt 8 e) Equity- Preference Shares 8
6) Conclusion 10


Nestle India
Nestle India is a subsidiary of Nestle S.A. of Switzerland. Nestle India manufactures a variety of food products such as infant food, milk products, beverages, prepared dishes & cooking aids, and chocolates & confectionary. Some of the famous brands of Nestle are NESCAFE, MAGGI, MILKYBAR, MILO, KIT KAT, BAR-ONE, MILKMAID, NESTEA, NESTLE Milk, NESTLE SLIM Milk, NESTLE Fresh 'n' Natural Dahi and NESTLE Jeera Raita.

EPS Calculation

EPS Break-up

| |Dec, 2007 |
|Total Income |35297.94 |
|Total Expenditure |28244.06 |
|EBIT |7053.88 |
|Interest |8.55 |
|Depreciation |759.19 |
|EBT |6286.14 |
|Tax@34.17% |2147.97 |
|EAT |4138.17 |
|Preference Dividend |0.00 |
|Earnings(A) |4138.17 |

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