Premium Essay

Financial Performance Evaluation


Submitted By drsamia
Words 3464
Pages 14
Financial Performance Evolution on “Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd”

At first we want to express our great gratitude to our honorable Teacher to give us such a good topic for making a assignment. He gave us his helpful hand to do this assignment. His class lecture & advice help us to prepare our assignment very much which was very fruitful to us. So we are grateful to him.

At the very beginning, a special note of acknowledgement is due to our course teacher, Mr. X, for giving us the permission to prepare the report on this topic. He was very generous and friendly toward us while conducting the course and was the person who has guided us throughout preparing the report. His teaching method was really effective and interesting.

We would like to thank all mighty Allah for keeping everything on right track. Finally, we would like to thank our parents and friends without whose support it was impossible for us to complete the project.

Executive Summary
As escalating pharmaceutical expenditures draw increased scrutiny from policy makers, the media, and consumer advocacy groups, the debate over pharmaceutical price controls is emerging as a key political issue. Notably absent is the consideration and investigation of the impact of market-based pricing patterns in the Bangladesh on bio-pharmaceutical innovation and related economic contributions.

The report is designed to bridge the gulf between the theoretical knowledge & real life. It is designed to have a practical experience while passing through the theoretical understanding.

As a matter of fact, In Bangladesh , now-a-days many pharmaceutical Company are conducting their operations, but they differ from one another in many ways regarding their services & product. Square pharmaceutical Ltd. is registered company in Bangladesh. This report covers mainly Square pharmaceutical and his product development to

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