Library Workshop – Finding seminal Research
Contact Information: library@ncu.edu | 888-628-1569 summary | This workshop will introduce students to resources which can be used to locate seminal works for a particular discipline. It will provide students with techniques to become more effective at searching for this type of information. learning objectives | Upon completion of this workshop students will know how to: * Access the Research Process - Finding Seminal Works page on the Library’s website * Understand the meaning of seminal works and their importance to a literature review * Identify and use the appropriate databases and journals for finding seminal research * Identify and use the appropriate internet resources for finding seminal research
I. seminal works | Seminal works, sometimes called pivotal or landmark studies, are works that initially presented an idea of great importance or influence within a particular discipline. Seminal works are referred to time and time again in the research, so you are likely to see these sources frequently cited in other journal articles, books, dissertations, etc.
II. finding seminal works | Identifying seminal articles relies heavily on your own thoroughness in the examination and synthesis of the scholarly literature. Typically, there will not be any explicit labels placed on articles, identifying them as seminal. Rather, you will begin to see the same authors or articles cited frequently. It is important to keep in mind that seminal studies may have been published quite some time ago. Limiting a database search to only the past 5 years, for example, may exclude seminal studies from your results. To avoid overlooking pivotal research that may have occurred in years past, it is