...characteristic of Filipino hospitality.. The stylish yet cozy ambience and artistic food presentation are topped with the rich flavors that will make every Filipino proud, and every foreigner’s palate fly back for more. Innovative dishes like pan de sal spaghetti pizza, laing pizza and sisig pizza is a delectable treat for all. Vision * To maintain a profitable operation that will continue our tradition of quality Filipino inspired dining, at a reasonable cost, in a comfortable atmosphere. Mission Juan’s Deli has a mission: * To sell delicious and remarkable Filipino inspired food and drinks. That the food and drinks we sell meets the highest standards of quality, freshness and seasonality and combines both modern-creative and traditional Filipino styles of cooking. * To ensure that each guest receive prompt, professional, friendly and courteous service. * To maintain a clean, comfortable and well maintained premises for our guest and staffs. * To ensure that all guest and staff are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. To thank each guest for the opportunity to serve them. Objectives * To establish the market presence needed to support marketing and sales goals and to attract customers. * To reach healthy monthly sales by the end of the year, and average monthly sales increasing modestly by steadily through Year 3. * To reach 85% recognition of the new product in our target market. Situation Analysis Food is a basic...
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...MARKETING STRATEGY OF DOMINOS PIZZA SUBMITTED BY HEMANTA DAS ROLL- F-028 SUBMITTED TO PROF. AJAY PANDIT 1 COMPANY PROFILE DOMINO’S PIZZA Domino's Pizza is an international fast food pizza delivery corporation. It was founded by Tom Monaghan. There are currently about 8,500 corporate and franchised stores in 55 countries, including all 50 US states. It was the second-largest pizza chain behind Pizza Hut in the United States. In 1967, the first Domino's Pizza franchise store opened in Ypsilanti. Domino’s continued to grow and in 1978 opened its 200th store. On May 13, 1983, Domino's opened its first international store, in Winnipeg, Canada. That same year, Domino's opened its 1,000th store overall, and by 1995 Domino's had 1,000 international locations. In 1998, after 38 years of ownership, Domino's Pizza founder Tom Monaghan announced his retirement and sold 93 percent of the company to Bain Capital, Inc. for about $1 billion and ceased being involved in day-to-day operations of the company. A year later, the company named David A. Brandon Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Involved in day-to-day operations of the company. A year later, the company named David A. Brandon Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. In a simultaneous celebration in 2006, Domino's opened its 5,000th U.S. store in Huntley, Illinois and its 3,000th international store in Panama City, making 8,000 total stores for the system. Also that the Domino's Pizza store in Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland, became...
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...Letters on Educational Matters There are occasions when teachers and children’s parents have to correspond with one another. More often than not such correspondence relates to the absence of the child from school. However, there can be other matters too, concerning some other educational problems. Some of these are: 1. Getting a certificate. 2. Complaint on lack of facilities in school or other inconveniences. 3. Inquiries about child’s progress in his/her studies and the teacher’s reply. Letter to School for Certificate Start your letter by giving reasons for asking for the certificate: 1. This is to inform you that I have been transferred to Hyderabad and will be leaving Delhi on the tenth of this month to take charge of my new post. 2. You will be pleased to learn that my son Rajiv who has passed his higher secondary from your school this year, plans to apply to an American university/ Education Ministry for a scholarship for higher studies. 3. It will be of interest to you to learn that my son, Chandra Kiran, who has completed/ finished his education this year at your school, plans to apply for a job with the Government of India/ Escorts Ltd. 4. You will be happy to know that my daughter, Rani Rao, who is a student of Class X in your school wishes to participate in the Science Talent Competition next month. Request for Certificate itself: 5. Hence, I would request you to issue a school leaving certificate to my son, Amit Kumar, a student of VII D of...
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...Rifat Fouzia Rifa | 10304093 | S.M Zia Uddin | 10304017 | Md. Saidur Islam | 10304111 | Md. Ariful Islam | 10304043 | Md. Munsurul Islam | 10304054 | Ruma Chukraborty | 10304027 | Mukta bhattacharjee | 10304086 | Israt Jahan Lipy | 10304101 | Sharmin Akter | 10304116 | Syed Mahamodul Hasan | 10304050 | Acknowledgment With great pleasure we are now in the position to present our assignment. First of all we would like to thank Almighty ALLAH for giving us the strength, spirit & enthusiasm to accomplish this assignment. We express our heartfelt gratitude & thanks to our honorable course instructor Mr. sagib kumar ghosh for inspiring & assigning us with such an interesting as well as educative topic for this assignment. This has been a worthwhile experience as we got to learn many new things regarding measuring customer satisfaction with technological encounter on restaurant business perspective. Last but definitely not the least; we would again like to thank our course instructor especially for his kind cooperation, suggestions and support to improve our overall performance without which this task would not have been possible. INTRODUCTION In services industries, customer experience depends strongly on the service encounter,...
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...Yu, Wantao (2011) Operations strategy, business environment, operations resources and performance: an empirical study of retail firms in China. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. Access from the University of Nottingham repository: http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/14191/1/546558.pdf Copyright and reuse: The Nottingham ePrints service makes this work by researchers of the University of Nottingham available open access under the following conditions. · Copyright and all moral rights to the version of the paper presented here belong to the individual author(s) and/or other copyright owners. · To the extent reasonable and practicable the material made available in Nottingham ePrints has been checked for eligibility before being made available. · Copies of full items can be used for personal research or study, educational, or notfor-profit purposes without prior permission or charge provided that the authors, title and full bibliographic details are credited, a hyperlink and/or URL is given for the original metadata page and the content is not changed in any way. · Quotations or similar reproductions must be sufficiently acknowledged. Please see our full end user licence at: http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/end_user_agreement.pdf A note on versions: The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. If you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher’s version. Please see the...
Words: 19791 - Pages: 80
...Topic: A study on Deliverance ltd. opening a new branch in South East London. Contents ........................................................................................................................1 Abstract ........................................................................................................................2 Statement of problem ...................................................................................................3 Introduction ..................................................................................................................4 Advantages of opening new branch in South East London .........................................6 Disadvantages of opening new branch in South East London .....................................7 Literature Review .........................................................................................................8 PEST analysis ...............................................................................................................9 SWOT analysis ............................................................................................................11 Michael Porters five forces ..........................................................................................13 Boston Consulting Group ............................................................................................15 Stakeholders Analysis ................................
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...ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, we would like to thank to God because we have finished this project on the time given. Thanks a lot to our lecture Sir Hashim Bin Hassan for giving us a full attention and as a guide to ensure we are produce the best work. Also the information and experience that applied during the class hour will be appreciated which resulting in the successful business plan project This business plant project covered 5 important of sections that were business plan introduction, administration marketing, operation and financial plan. We also greatly were appreciating all individuals that involve directly and indirectly in this project. We also indebted to all our friends and course mates for all their kind helps Thanks you for all information and idea to improve the content of this collection. Thanks to each of group member for giving a fully commitment and corporation to finished this project. This is important to make sure that we are committed to each other and willing to share everything during these difficult times. Last but not least, a lot of appreciation to our wonderful parents for their constant encouragement whose have been to be sources of inspiration that lead to our successful achievement for this project. Thank You 1.0 BUSINESS BACKGROUND * Name of Business : Mushanic Enterprise * Address : Lot 18309, Kg Kanchong 71200 Rantau, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia * Telephone Number : 06-6536313 * Fax : 06-6536314 * Email...
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...Becoming a Trusted Advisor Program Proposal Prepared for by David R. Ednie SalesChannel Europe SalesChannel Europe ©2010 All rights reserved Agenda 1. Program Overview 2. Becoming A Trusted Advisor Program 3. Sample Slides from Trusted Advisor Program 4. Clients 5. Client Testimonials 6. David R Ednie SalesChannel Europe ©2010 All rights reserved 2 Program Overview Methodology: – Preparation: Hold 1:1 meetings with 3-4 sales and sales support personnel to audit current sales capabilities, skills and possible skills gaps – Program: Build program content and delivery around key selling skills and address any identified skills gaps Program Overview: Review basic sales skills and the selling mindset: – Buyer’s Decision Making process vs. the Sales Cycle – Proposals don’t sell, people do. Always personally present your proposals – Articulating the Value Proposition – questioning & listening comes first – Getting to the Ultimate Decision Maker Develop specific sales skills in the following areas: – Effective prospecting in existing client base – Gaining Access to C-level Decision Makers and what to say when you get there – Using questioning skills to uncover PAIN and identify problems (reduce churn) – Negotiating to win in an increasingly competitive market Becoming a Trusted Advisor – 4 level model of sales professional evolution – Gap analysis: Where are you today and where do you want to be end...
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...ASSIGNMENT 3 FRONT SHEET Qualification | | Unit number and title | | Assignment due | | Assignment submitted | | Learner’s name | Chu Quang Huy Nguyen Duc ManhTran Quang MinhPham Viet Anh | Assessor name | Nguyen Quynh Lien | Learner declaration:I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. | Learner signature | | Date | | Grading grid P3.1 | P3.2 | P3.3 | P3.4 | P3.5 | P4.1 | P4.2 | P4.3 | M1 | M2 | M3 | D1 | D2 | D3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Assignment title | Marketing Program Proposal | In this assignment, you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found. | Assessment criteria | Expected evidence | Task no. | Assessor’s Feedback | LO 3. Understand individual elements of the extended marketing mix | 3.1 explain how products are developed to sustain competitive advantage | - Explain what is product, propose your new product - Explain what is competitive advantage and describe your company’s competitive advantage- Explain how the new product is developed to sustain your company’s competitive advantages. | 2.1 | | 3.2 explain how distribution is arranged to provide customer convenience | - Explain what is distribution. Describe your distribution strategy for the new product- Explain what is customer convenience- Explain how your distribution strategy is arranged...
Words: 13510 - Pages: 55
...university. Place: Date: Aman Aggarwal Reg. No. 1528606 CUIM, Main Campus (ii) CERTIFICATE- FACULTY GUIDE This is to certify that this research report on “UNDERSTANDING CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS ONLINE SHOPPING OF CLOTHES” is a bona fide work of Aman Aggarwal, under my guidance and support. This research report is a part of MBA (Marketing). The work done and content is genuine with respect to the information and data collected. Place: Date: Prof. Dilip Chandra Professor CUIM (iii) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am indebted to many people who helped me to accomplish this dissertation successfully. First, I thank the Vice Chancellor Dr. Fr. Thomas C Matthew of Christ University for giving me the opportunity to do my research project. I thank Fr. Thomas TV, Director and Prof. Kshetrangana, Head- Marketing of Christ University Institute of Management for their kind support. I thank Prof. Dilip Chandra, for his support and guidance during the course of my research. I remember him with much gratitude...
Words: 5474 - Pages: 22
...A Project Report On “Study On Customer Satisfaction In Business To Business Selling Relationship’’ Submitted To: Submitted By: Dr. P. Sridharan Ayan Naskar Associate Prof. & H.O.D. Roll no: 14382008 Pondicherry University MBA-International Business In Partial Fulfilment of Award of MBA-International Business Pondicherry University DECLARATION I, Ayan Naskar student of MBA-International Business from Pondicherry University hereby declare that I have completed my project on “Study on customer satisfaction in business to business selling relationship” as part of the course requirement. I further declare that the information presented in this project is true and original to the best of my knowledge. Date: 18.06.2015 Name:- Ayan Naskar Place: Kumardhubi, Jharkhand Reg. No: - 14382008 CONTENTS CONTENT | Page No | ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | 4 | CHAPTER 1 : Introduction | 5-8 | CHAPTER 2 : Profile of the organisation | 9-38 | CHAPTER 3 : Research Design and Methodology | 39-40 | CHAPTER 4 : Data presentation , Analysis...
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...BUSINESS PLAN Submitted To Instructor: SHAISTA AYESHA Submitted by: Faisal Amin () Irfan Shaikh (0828114) Tahir Badruddin (0828135) Wasif Ghaffar () CLASS: MBA ‘X’ DATE: 20th July, 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Something beyond the Coffee The tradition and culture of coffee in Pakistan has its way on, it now moving from elite class to upper middle and therefore the Coffee House in areas like Zamzama and Defence are becoming fruitful investment. Visualizing this opportunity we have come up with the ultimate mix of entertainment, taste and quality. KLATCH a coffee house which is traditional in eastern sense and modern in western style, it will be a blend of both the worlds. KLATCH is a partnership firm, an IDEA of qualified professional from different field of works combining together to use up their experience and utilize their entrepreneurial skills with ultimate goal of prosperity and growth. Every department of KLATCH has an expert to manage. We will serve the variety of Pakistani Tea form Kashmiri tea to Khava along with the distinct flavors of coffee from latte to mocha and this is not all, other mouth watering items in our menu would include desserts, muffins, donuts and sandwiches. KLATCH is not just a Coffee House but its beyond the boundaries of a traditional Coffee House it’s a two floor coffee house, on first floor we will be providing a place...
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... page 1. Abstract…………………………………………………………………….....…2 2. Introduction……………………………………………………………………....3 3. Aims and objectives………………………………………………………………4 4. Literature review…………………………………………………………..…….5-13 5. Methodology………………………………………………………………...…...14 6. Primary findings………………………………………………………….......…..14-15 7. Limitations…………………………………….………………………………….15 8. Discussion of findings…………………………………………………………….16-19 9. Conclusion and recommendations………………………………………………...20 10. Bibliography……………………………………………………………………..21-22 11. Appendix……………………………………………………………………...…23-31 12. Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………….32 1.0 ABSTRACT Staff challenges been faced by managers providing efficient customer service in London fast food restaurant has become a big concern in the hospitality industry as it turns to have highest number of turnover compared to other industries. Accordingly, Research has been carried out what managers in restaurant do to motivate their staff in providing efficient customer service, whereas customer service is providing customers needs and wants to their satisfaction. However, Mangers faces a lot of challenges with staff which are absenteeism, working hours, afraid of change, poor productivity, psychological satisfaction and work life balance. There is a lot of solutions that exist to motivate staff as motivation is the inner strength and competence that drives staff to carry on at work, whereas some solutions are career opportunities, good...
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...1. Stragetic Marketing In its strategic role, marketing focuses on business’s intentions in a market and the means and timing of realizing those intentions. The strategic role of marketing is quite different from marketing management, which deals with developing, implementing, and directing programs to achieve designated intentions 1.1 Concept of strategic marketing As shown above, the marketing function plays at different levels in the organization. At the corporate level, marketing inputs (competitive analysis, market dynamics, and environmental shifts) are essential for formulating a corporate strategic plan. Marketing represents the boundary between the marketplace and the company, and knowledge of current and emerging happenings in the marketplace are extremely important in any strategic planning exercises. At the other end of the scale, marketing management deals with the formulation and implementation of marketing programs to support the perspectives of strategic marketing, referring to marketing strategy of a product/market. This time, marketing strategy is developed at the business unit level. |Marketing’s Role in the Organization | |Organizational level |Role of Marketing |Formal Name | |Corporate |Provide customer and competitive...
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...reinvent the pasta experience for individuals, families, and take out customers with discretionary income by selling high quality, innovative products at a reasonable price, designing tasteful, convenient locations, and providing industry-benchmark customer service. In order to grow at a rate consistent with our objectives, Sigmund's is offering an additional $500,000 in equity. Existing members will be given the first option to subscribe to the additional equity to allow each of them to maintain their percentage of ownership. The portion not subscribed by existing members will be available for prospective new investors. Read more: http://www.mplans.com/pasta_restaurant_marketing_plan/executive_summary_fc.php#ixzz1gEUppQdh SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the company, and describes the opportunities and threats facing Sigmund's Gourmet Pasta. Strengths • Strong relationships with vendors that offer high-quality ingredients and fast/frequent delivery schedules. • Excellent staff who are highly trained and very customer attentive. • Great retail space that is bright, hip, clean, and located in an upscale mall, suburban neighborhood, or urban retail district. • High customer loyalty among repeat customers. • High-quality food offerings that exceed competitors offerings in quality, presentation, and price. Weaknesses • Sigmund's...
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