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Submitted By bhavinip
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Firewalls Overview Tutorial

This interactive will cover the aspects related to the utilization of firewalls in an organization. One important thing that needs to be kept in mind regarding firewalls is that they are commonly deployed at the organizational perimeter AND on the individual computers inside the organization. Since the perimeter firewall predated the single computer firewall perimeter firewalls are frequently referred to as firewalls. Firewalls protecting a single computer are called host based firewalls, software firewalls or client firewalls.
While there are many ways to categorize perimeter firewalls, perhaps the most effective way is to look at them in terms of functionality. From a functional standpoint firewalls can be divided into Access Control List based, State Based and Application Proxy firewalls.
The easiest way to understand the Access Control based firewall is to consider the fact that they can restrict traffic based on the source IP address of the packet. You would not want a packet coming in from the outside that has an IP address that should be INSIDE your organization. This might be from someone using a “SPOOFED” source IP address to attack your internal network resources.
If you were receiving numerous packets from a single IP address this might be from someone trying to perform a Denial of Service (DoS) attack on you.
Obviously you would want to block traffic from that IP address.
Sometimes this functionality is used to divide departments inside an organization as well. For instance you might want to block the ‘students’ part of your network from the ‘administration’ part of your network in a college or university.


In a Sate Based firewall, the firewall keeps track of all outgoing requests coming from inside the network. It keeps them in an area of memory called the ‘state table’. When an

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