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Firework Research Paper

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Words 920
Pages 4
July is my most favorite month out of the year with all the carnivals going on, yummy food, and fireworks. Fireworks are one of my most favorite things every year, I try to attend as many firework shows as I can. This July alone I've been to at least one show a week and continue to do so into August or as long as they all last. My favorite firework show thus far this year has been the one at Riverton Days’. It had tons of food vendors offering everything from fresh squeezed orange juice to footlong corndogs. They played great music the whole time that was loud enough for everyone to hear, no matter how far away you where from the stage. And the entire thing seemed very family oriented, nothing scary happening and lots of security there to protect incase something did. Lastly, the thing that put the Riverton show over the top was that during the firework show they launched them in sync with the music, had 3 different launching spots, and the slow lasted close to 45 minutes. I kept thinking over and over that the finally had to be this time and it just continued on. However, in the …show more content…
I walked along the food trucks and found one that looked sort of appealing. Hawaiian Chicken was the name. I waited a long while to order and even longer to get my food. The food it self wasn’t good at all. I ordered a plate of chicken and white rice for $12. The white rice was okay to say the least but the chicken was not edible. The entire piece was chewy so I ate none of it. I did get a lemonade from this truck. It tasted like a watered down version of pink lemonade and had two or three floating pieces of sliced lemons. I consumed the entire thing because I did not want to stand in another line for a drink. I eventually had to find a restroom. They have about 5 outside and a line a mile long, I wait for about 30 minutes to use a smelly stick floored