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Symbolism In The Cask Of Amontillado

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Cardinals and Revenge Symbols can tell you a story or describe a character, they are crucial to an interesting story. Throughout the short stories, The Scarlet Ibis, written by James Hurst and The Cask of Amontillado, written by Edgar Allan Poe there were many symbols that set the tone for the whole story. In the Scarlet Ibis, the color red was presented in the beginning, although you may not have noticed it when you first starting reading, but it was symbolizing death and the harsh times in Doodle’s life. Doodle repeatedly said in the story, “Don’t go leave me, brother.” When Doodle said this to his brother he was trying to not let his brother leave him, this was his biggest fear. Later in the story, it tells you that Doodle found a dead

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