Funny in Farsi Synthesis Theoretical neuroscientist Jeff Hawkins once said: "In grade school, I was taught that the United States is a melting pot. People from all over the world come here for freedom and to pursue a better life. They arrive with next to nothing, work incredibly hard, learn a new language and new customs, and in a generation, they become an integral part of our amazing nation." Firoozeh Dumas' memoir, Funny in Farsi, Pat Mora's poem "Legal Alien,” Anand Giridharadas Ted Talk “A tale of two Americas. And the mini-mart where they collided” and Richard Crowson’s political cartoon, “Great American Melting Pot,” all explain the hardships that lie within becoming a full-fledged American citizen. Gaining your legal documented citizenship…show more content… The ignorance and judgments of some people can lead to vast horrors, “Then, on September 21, that tattooed man enters the mart. He holds a shotgun. Raisuddin knows the drill: puts cash on the counter. This time, the man doesn't touch the money. "Where are you from?" he asks. "Excuse me?" Raisuddin answers. His accent betrays him. The tattooed man, a self-styled true American vigilante, shoots Raisuddin in revenge for 9/11” (Giridharadas). One can come to a consensus that some people show prejudice and racism towards immigrants especially. They sadly fear the things that they do not know, so they misjudge someone different from them. This makes an immigrant’s success in the United States extremely difficult, and they might get lesser treatment than…show more content… Firoozeh Dumas recollects a story from her childhood: “I once again told her that I spoke Persian and I could just tell that the boy did not. ‘Could you just try?’ she pleaded. Just to get rid of her, I walked up to the boy, who, breaking all stamina records was still crying, and said in Persian, ‘Are you Iranian?’ The boy stopped crying for a moment, then let out the loudest scream heard since biblical times. Not only was he separated from his loved ones, he was now trapped in the tower of Babel” (Dumas 21). Dumas was lost at Disneyland when a white woman asked her to speak to a boy. She explained to her that they did not speak the same language, but she was too ignorant to accept it. The barrier between English and other languages makes it very quick to get judged. Not knowing English well can make success in the everyday things in life a