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First Amendment Court Case Study

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Throughout the years, American citizens have been holding their ground to defend their 1st Amendment rights, which to many people, consider it the most important right. It helps them take issue with current events and allows them to express themselves without immediately being incriminated against. This is important because it gives people a chance to change society for the better or highlight issues of morality that are not normally discussed. The “Shouting Fire” documentary provides good examples of 1st Amendment Court cases that shaped society for the better, directly addressing the issue with the suppression of speech. One of the relatively recent cases that involved the first Amendment was Morse v. Frederick (2007). In 2002, the Olympic Torch Relay went through Juneau, Alaska past Juneau-Douglas High School. The school decided to host an event to support the runners. Joseph Frederick, a senior at the school, decided to display a fourteen foot banner saying “BONG HiTS 4 JESUS.” The school’s principal, Deborah Morse, asked him to take it down because she was concerned that it would be associated with drugs but he refused to comply. The banner was taken down and Frederick was given a 10 day suspension for advocating the use of illicit drugs. In turn, he sued the school …show more content…
District Court for the District of Alaska ruled that the first Amendment did not protect Frederick’s rights and then was later appealed by The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in which they said that his rights were indeed protected. Under the Supreme Court, the judges argued between whether the school could limit student free speech under the presented circumstances. In the end, the court decided that the first Amendment did not protect Frederick because the school had the right to protect students in their care against speech that encourages illicit drug use. The message shown was also not particularly political, which makes it less likely to be supported by the

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