...civil and criminal with court. Legal proceedings are set by law and court practices, this shall include the rights of a defendant must be adhered to by everyone so that there will be no prejudicial or unfairness or poor treatment is shown toward each party. (Hill, 2005) Some terms are guarded by its aim to protect private and public rights against unfairness. Due process of legal laws is found within the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution of the United States. No person is to be deprived of life liberty, or property without due process of law. According to (United States Constitution Bill of Rights) No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. (Hill, 2005) due processes have two categories substantive and procedural due process. Substantive due process refers to the lamination of the matter, which the law has administered, applied or enforces procedural due process takes on a governmental responsibility, in cases were the government...
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...attempt to explain the criminal justice process and the different avenues the process can take. When crimes do occur in the United States this is only the start of the criminal process. First a crime must committed or believed to be committed. Usually some one will call 911, 311, or flag down an officer or perhaps the officer will witness the crime him or herself. Some time criminals are caught in the act or apprehended some later. The choice to commit crime is up to each of us and is really the start of the entire process. Every thing that comes after is just a response to this act. The next step after apprehending a suspect is to read this person their Miranda rights. This is very important as a suspect could be set, free later on at trial if this does not happen. Law Enforcment officers at any level must verbally inform an individual of their rights. These are the right to remain silent, warning that any answers can be used in a court of law, and the right to an attorney. This is a good thing because the person under arrest may not understand the right afforded to them and unfairly incriminate them self. These right are mainly the consequence of the U.S supreme court ruling in the case of Miranda vs Arizona. (Miranda v. Arizona (1966),This law was not universally accepted. Many police officers hated it. Ever since the Wickersham commission it was public knowledge that police used violence to coerce confessions. The courts understood police abuse of rights was not an isolated...
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...who!represents!the!Queens.!In!the!federal!parliament!that!person!is!the! Governor>General.!Parliaments!make!the!laws!for!a!country/state! Crown)–!The!monarch!is!represented!by!a!governor/governor>general.!Refers!to!the!position,!power,!or!dominion!of!a!monarch.!The!monarch!as! Head!of!State! Separation)of)Powers)–!The!three!branches!of!power!(executive,!legislative!and!judicial)! Federal)System)–!The!power!to!govern!is!divided!by!the!Commonwealth!and!states.! Bicameral)–!A!bicameral!parliament!consists!of!two!chambers!or!houses! Minister)–!A!minister!is!both!a!member!of!parliament!and!a!member!of!the!executive.!This!means!a!minister!is!usually!in!charge!of!a!government! department!that!is!responsible!for!enacting!the!law! ! Australian Parliamentary System Under!the!Australian!federal!system!of!government,!the!country!is!divided!into!states!and!territories!each!with!its!own!parliament!–!making!a!total!of!9! parliaments.! • Commonwealth,)6)States,)2)Territories! They! are! elected! by! the! people! and! represent! the! needs! of! the! people.! Members! are! also! responsible! to! the! parliament! and! the! people! for! their! actions.!The)APS)is)based)on)the)Westminster)system)that)was)adopted)by)the)Commonwealth)constitution)in)1900,)as)originally)Australia)and)its) states) were) British) Colonies.! The! Commonwealth! and! State! Parliaments! operate! on! a! bicameral! structure! –! 2! Houses! –! Upper! and! Lower! houses.! Exception:!QLD!and!territories!have...
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...the person Offences against the person are defined as acts that intend to cause harm or injury to the victim Homicide Definition: is the unlawful killing of one person by another * Murder is the killing of one person by another “with malice aforethought”(mental component) * Manslaughter is the killing of someone in circumstances less culpable than murder. (generally given a lighter sentence than for murder) Degrees of awareness | Murder | Voluntary Manslaughter | Involuntary manslaughter | Non-criminal Killing | Intention to killReckless indifference of life Constructive murderDeath during intention to commit grievous bodily harm | Where the intention to kill or cause the act is mitigated by other factors, such as provocation or diminished responsibility | Non-reckless indifference to life or manslaughter by criminal negligenceReckless indifference to grievous bodily harmManslaughter by an unlawful and dangerous act | Death by non-criminal negligenceDeath by an unlawful act that is not dangerousAccidental deathSelf-defence | Stats: Murder: * In 2001 of the 340 homicides in Australia, 306 were murder * Maximum penalty is life imprisonment Manslaughter: * In 2001 of the 340 homicides in Australia, 34 were manslaughter * Maximum penalty is 25 years in gaol but offender may not go to gaol, may receive a lesser penalty or be acquitted Assault and Battery Assault Definition: Assault is the threatening to do violence to someone...
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...two years under a training contract with a solicitor in practice. Solicitors generally work in large partnerships and they undertake most of the work in magistrates’ courts and county courts - both preparation of cases and also advocacy. But litigation- which is taking legal action: is only a small part of the work of the solicitor’s profession as a whole. Most are involved in commercial work relating to business e.g. dealing with commercial and other property dealings. There is also a large amount of private client work which does not involve any litigation (if it all runs smoothly) such as the conveyance of houses, making wills, advising on tax matters and so on. If you have any problems with your solicitor then you can contact the Law Society which regulates the work of solicitors and they deal with matters such as training, qualifications and complaints. BARRISTERS The main work of barristers is advocacy - they present cases in court, where their ability to think quickly "on their feet" and pinpoint weaknesses in the opposition as the evidence unfolds is what they naturally excel in. The barrister will be "briefed" (instructed) by a solicitor - it is the solicitor that first contacts the client and has initial conduct of the case. However, the...
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...PAD 525 Discussions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & so on……. Hope this helps ! Review Texas v. Johnson. Assuming you want to sustain the conviction, make the best argument you can for how that can be reconciled with the First Amendment. Of the opinions that would have sustained the conviction, which do you find most persuasive and why? Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), was an important decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that invalidated prohibitions on desecrating the American flag enforced in 48 of the 50 states. Justice William Brennan wrote for a five-justice majority in holding that the defendant Gregory Lee Johnson's act of flag burning was protected speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Gregory Lee "Joey" Johnson, then a member of the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade, participated in a political demonstration during the 1984 Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas. The demonstrators were protesting the policies of the Reagan Administration and of certain companies based in Dallas. They marched through the streets, shouted chants, and held signs outside the offices of several companies. At one point, another demonstrator handed Johnson an American flag stolen from a flagpole outside one of the targeted buildings. When the demonstrators reached Dallas City Hall, Johnson poured kerosene on the flag and set it on fire. During the burning of the flag, demonstrators shouted such phrases as, "America, the red, white, and...
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...RESEARCH PAPER “Freedom from Arbitrary Detention is a Fundamental Human Right” WHAT IS DETENTION? Detention is the process when a state, government or citizen lawfully holds a person by removing their freedom of liberty at that time. This can be due to (pending) criminal charges being raised against the individual as part of a prosecution or to protect a person or property. Being detained does not always result in being taken to a particular area (generally called a detention centre), either for interrogation, or as punishment for a crime (prison) The term can also be used in reference to the holding of property, for the same reasons. The process of detainment may or may not have been preceded or followed with an arrest. The prisoners in Guantánamo Bay are for example referred to as "detainees". Detainee is a term used by certain governments and their military to refer to individuals held in custody, such as those it does not classify and treat as either prisoners of war or suspects in criminal cases. It is used to refer to "any person captured or otherwise detained by an armed force."[1] More generally, it is "someone held in custody."[2] Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that, "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile." In wars between nations, detainees are referenced in the Fourth Geneva Convention. ------------------------------------------------- Indefinite Detention: -------------------------------------------------...
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...CHAPTER III LEGAL AID A CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE CHAPTER III LEGAL AID A CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE 3.1 INTRODUCTION The constitution of India has defined and declared the common goal for its citizens as “to secure to all the citizens of India, justice – Social, Economic and Political”. The eternal value of the constitutionalism is the rule of law which has three facets i.e. rule by law, role under law and rule according to law. Under our constitution, it is the primary responsibility of the state to maintain law and order so that the citizens can enjoy peace and security. The preamble speaks of justice, social economic and political and of equality of status and opportunity. It points out that protecting the interest of the poorer section of the society is the constitutional goal. So this very idea of protecting poor people cannot be promoted without the effective, efficient functions of the legal aid programmes and legal literacy programme. The study relates to the Legal Aid provisions in Constitution and in the code of civil and criminal procedures. 3.1.1 Legal Aid Relevant Constitutional Provisions : Preambular Aspirations and Legal Aid The preamble79 to the Constitution summarises the aims and objectives of the Constitution. It is a legitimate aid in the interpretation of the constitution. It put 79 The Preamble of the Constitution of India declares, WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN, SOCIALIST, SECULAR DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLIC...
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...liberties and when did individual rights recognized by government first appear in a legal charter? What charter? 73 - Those specific individual rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution and cannot be denied to citizens by government. Most of these rights are in the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights. The original English legal charter, the Magna Carta of 1215. 2. How are civil liberties different from civil rights? 73 - Civil liberties may be distinguished from civil rights (sometimes called equal rights), which refer to rights that members of various groups (racial, ethnic, sexual, and so on) have to equal treatment by government under the law and equal access to society’s opportunities. 3. What were the Alien and Sedition Acts and were editors if newspapers actually jailed? 74 - Alien Act, which authorized the president to deport from the United States all aliens suspected of “treasonable or secret” inclinations; the Alien Enemies Act, which allowed the president during wartime to arrest aliens subject to an enemy power; and the Sedition Act, which criminalized the publication of materials that brought the U.S. government into “disrepute.” Yes 4. What is the Patriot Act and what is “Gitmo”? How did Obama alter US policy? 75 - USA Patriot Act, authorizing President Bush to take numerous steps to prosecute the war, including giving the federal government broad new powers to detain suspects without hearings at the Guantanamo Military...
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...PRINCIPLES OF SENTENCING: TOWARDS A EUROPEAN CONVERSATION Paper delivered at Conference on “The Limits of the Criminal Law” at Leiden University, January 23, 2008 and subsequently published in Cupido (ed), Limits of Criminal Law (Nijmegen, 2008).[1] Tom O’Malley Senior Lecturer in Law National University of Ireland Galway First, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the students of Leiden Law School for having organised this conference. Thanks to their vision and energy, representatives from several European countries have gathered in this historic venue to discuss some key aspects of criminal law and criminal procedure. More often than not, we think of European law solely in terms of European Union law, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights or both. Needless to say, the study of European law even in this limited sense is of the highest importance given its impact on our national legal systems and our daily lives. However, growing levels of legal and political integration now demand that we broaden our vision of European law to encompass the domestic legal systems of individual European states. Some work has already begun in this regard,[2] but it is only on rare occasions such as this that we can engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas and information on areas of common concern. Criminal justice is a most appropriate and worthy topic with which to begin. In times past, sentencing would not have featured very prominently...
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...good environment and facilities to complete this assignment and also for offering this subject “Media & Information Technology Law”. Finally, an honorable mention goes to my family and friends for their understandings and supports on me in completing this assignment. Without helps of the particular that mentioned above, I would face many difficulties while doing this. Abstract: “Fair is foul and foul is fair” recollecting the lines enshrined in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, one could indisputably perceive what is contemplated acceptable today may conceivably be malevolent and vice versa perchance deplorable now and adequate in future. To understand the antagonism of free trial and free media one has to reflect on the evolutions of court and media and its present scenario. The judiciary and the media share a common bond and play a complimentary role to each other: man is the centre of their universe. Both the judiciary and the media are engaged in the same task: to discover the truth, to uphold the democratic values and to deal with social, political and economic problems. Media, as referred to by many as the “eyes and ears of the general public”. This actually calls for the existence of a responsible media. Louis XVI, while in the Temple prison saw books by Voltaire and Rousseau said that these two persons have destroyed France; rather they destroyed feudal order and not...
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...‘common law’ system: * The system of law derived from the English legal system. Uses judicially decided cases as the basic form of law. See chapter 10. * The way that the law is made: Judges make law based on decided cases (precedents) and develop sets of legal principles which emerge from the judgments in decided cases.’ See chapter 12, 13, and 14. * The category of laws which grew from the medieval royal courts (‘the courts of common law’) and other areas of law, which came from the medieval Lord Chancellor’s role (‘equity’). See chapter 10. * Decision making in courts after an adversarial trial: derived from historical ‘trial by battle’ introduced by Normans. The battle has since then become a verbal one. See chapter 2. * A court system for dispute resolution: See chapter 11. However, Australian law has developed distinct characteristics of its own: * A federal system made up of a Commonwealth and States and Territories: separates out the powers of different bodies of government. See chapter 8. * A limited recognition of indigenous customary law: Mabo (No 2) held that native title to land could exist, separate from the common law and based on indigenous customary law. Other forms of recognition are ad hoc, but do exist: * Criminal justice system in NT carried out on a customary basis rather than common law in certain cases. * Customary law marriage is recognised. * Certain aspects of indigenous heritage have been protected...
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...Mirjan Damaška, Sterling Professor of Law at Yale Law School and a prominent authority for many years in the fields of comparative law, procedural law, evidence, international criminal law and Continental legal history. Professor Damaška’s work is renowned for providing new frameworks for understanding different legal traditions. To celebrate the depth and richness of his work and discuss its implications for the future, the editors have brought together an impressive range of leading scholars from different jurisdictions in the fields of comparative and international law, evidence and criminal law and procedure. Using Professor Damaška’s work as a backdrop, the essays make a substantial contribution to the development of comparative law, procedure and evidence. After an introduction by the editors and a tribute by Harold Koh, Dean of Yale Law School, the book is divided into four parts. The first part considers contemporary trends in national criminal procedure, examining cross-fertilisation and the extent to which these trends are resulting in converging practices across national jurisdictions. The second part explores the epistemological environment of rules of evidence and procedure. The third part analyses human rights standards and the phenomenon of hybridisation in transnational and international criminal law. The final part of the book assesses Professor Damaška’s contribution to comparative law and the challenges faced by comparative law in the twenty first century. Crime...
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...SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Crl.A. Nos. 1207-1208 of 1997 [With Crl.A. Nos. 1209/97, 1210-12/97, 1213/97, 1214/97, 1215/97, 1216/97, 1217-18/97, 1219/97, 1220/97, 1221/97, 1222/97, 186/98 (Arising out of S.L.P. (Crl.) No. 2/98) and 187/98 (Arising out of S.L.P. (Crl.) No. 366/98)]. Decided On: 17.04.1998 Appellants: P.V. Narsimha Rao Vs. Respondent: State (CBI/SPE) Hon'ble Judges: S. C. Agrawal, G.N. Ray, A.S. Anand, S.B. Bharucha and S. Rajendra Babu, JJ. Counsels: Ashok H. Desai, Attorney General for India, T.R. Andhyarujina, Solicitor General, P.P. Rao, Kapil Sibal and D.D. Thakur, Sr. Advs., Ranjit Kumar, Anu Mohla, I.C. Pandey, C. Paramasivam, Ajay Talesara, Jamshed Bey, Rakhi Roy, Bina Gupta, Surat Singh, Ashok Mahajan, P.P. Singh, Chandrashekar, Girish Ananthamurthy, B.Y. Kulkarni, Navin Prakash, Arun Bhardwaj, K.C. Kaushik, Manish Sharma, D. Prakash Reddy, L. Nageshwara Rao, Indu Malhotra, Rajiv Dutta, Akhilesh Kumar Pandey, Bharat Sangal, R.P. Wadhwani, P.K. Manohar, P. Parameswaran, A. Mariarputham and S.C. Jain, Advs Subject: Media and Communication Subject: Criminal Acts/Rules/Orders: Privileges of Parliament Act, 1512 ;Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - Section 108, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - Section 164, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 Section 173(8), Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - Section 190, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - Section 193, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - Section 195, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - Section 196, Code of Criminal Procedure...
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...MANU/SC/0241/2007 Equivalent Citation: 2007(2)ALT1(SC), JT2007(2)SC1, (2007)3SCC184, [2007]1SCR317 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Writ Petition (Civil) No. 1 of 2006, Transferred Case Nos. 82 to 90 of 2006 and Writ Petition (C) No. 129 of 2006 Decided On: 10.01.2007 Appellants: Raja Ram Pal Vs. Respondent: The Hon'ble Speaker, Lok Sabha and Ors. Parameter of judicial review in relation to exercise of parliamentary provisions Hon'ble Judges/Coram: Y.K. Sabharwal, C.J., K.G. Balakrishnan, C.K. Thakker, R.V. Raveendran and D.K. Jain, JJ. Counsels: For Appellant/Petitioner/Plaintiff: Ram Jethmalani, P.N. Lekihi, T.R. Andhyarujina, Sr. Advs., Krishan Singh Chauhan, Indra Pratap Singh, Gyan Mitra, Chand Kiran, P.K. Jayakrishnan, K.C. Lamba, Sudha Pal, V.K. Shukla, Nischal Kumar Neeraj, Ashish Tripathi, K.K. Mohan, Nawal Kishore Jha, M.P. Jha, Harshvardha Jha, Ram Ekbal Roy, Rani Jethmalani, Harish Pandey, Samar Bansal, Abhik Kumar, P.R. Mala, Rajiv Kumar Tiwari, Rajesh Kumar, Sanjai Tiwari, Lata Krishnamurthi, Sachin Jain, Mukesh Kumar Tripathi, Lokesh Kumar, M.K. Garg, Meenakshi Arora, S. K. Mehndiratta, Pranav Sen, S.W.A. Qadri, Mahra, R.M. Sharma, Sushma Suri, Advs., Gopal Subramanian, ASG., Dayan Krishnan, Gautam Narayan, Satyakam, T.S. Murthy, Raghenth Basant, Aman Ahluwalia, Arunav Patnaik, Abhishek Tiwari and D.S. Mahra, Advs. Subject: Constitution Acts/Rules/Orders: Constitution of India (Forty-fourth Amendment) Act, 1978 - Section 15, Constitution of India (Forty-fourth Amendment)...
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