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First Year Student Research Paper

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First year students who student services reach their academic goals. One service available that can help first year students is first year experience, first year student services offer 3 credit offer courses , fye 100 wichs introduces students to campus resources, fye 105 which teaches students college success strategies, fye 110 teaches students about the community college experience. This course offers to teach students about how to manage students time and stress because as a first year student you may not how to balance school with other things you may do in your life which may lead to stress, they are there to help you manage students time and stress. First year student services also offer to help students with their goal setting to help keep students on track with their academic goals to move on to their degree …show more content…
First year student services also offers to help students with their career exploration because students may not know what careers are in their degree program so first year student services are there to help students look for careers that are related to your major and know what to expect once students enter their desired career choice. Another campus resource for first year students is the success center, the success center offers free academic assistance with one on one and walk in assistance. The purpose of the success center is to help students, the success center offers help in math, physics,stats and chemistry, the success center is located in main room 261.One last service to help first year students is the advising center, the advising center offers three different kinds of advising, academic advising where students and advisor discuss course selection and career selection, express advising is used for quick questions any student may have , surge advising sessions is a mandatory advising session for firt time students. There are many services provided at cincinnati state to help first year students

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