...1007/s11135-005-2072-7 © Springer 2006 Research Note Factors Related to the Academic Performance of Students in the Statistics Course in Psychology ` ´ JOAN GUARDIA∗ , MONTSERRAT FREIXA, MARIBEL PERO, JAUME TURBANY, ANTONIO COSCULLUELA, MAITE BARRIOS ` and XAVIER RIFA Dept. de Metodologia de les Ci` ncies del Comportament, Facultat de Psicologia, Divisi´ de e o Ci` ncies de la Salut (IV), Universitat de Barcelona, Passeig de la Vall d’Hebron, 171, 08035 e Barcelona, Spain Abstract. Many studies have examined the factors that influence academic performance in primary and secondary education as well as at university, with the purpose of enhancing learning at these stages and reducing drop-out rates. It is within this research framework that we want to emphasise the deficient performance of students enrolled on the statistics course in the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Barcelona. Consequently, this paper attempts to determine the factors that affect student performance in this subject by undertaking an analysis of a structural equation model and determining its stability over time. In order to accomplish our objective, we worked with two samples of students enrolled statistics classes. The first group comprised 211 students enrolled in the academic year 2000– 2001, while the second comprised 287 students enrolled in the academic year 2001–2002. By administering a questionnaire, we obtained information concerning such variables as demographic data, previous...
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...1007/s11135-005-2072-7 © Springer 2006 Research Note Factors Related to the Academic Performance of Students in the Statistics Course in Psychology ` ´ JOAN GUARDIA∗ , MONTSERRAT FREIXA, MARIBEL PERO, JAUME TURBANY, ANTONIO COSCULLUELA, MAITE BARRIOS ` and XAVIER RIFA Dept. de Metodologia de les Ci` ncies del Comportament, Facultat de Psicologia, Divisi´ de e o Ci` ncies de la Salut (IV), Universitat de Barcelona, Passeig de la Vall d’Hebron, 171, 08035 e Barcelona, Spain Abstract. Many studies have examined the factors that influence academic performance in primary and secondary education as well as at university, with the purpose of enhancing learning at these stages and reducing drop-out rates. It is within this research framework that we want to emphasise the deficient performance of students enrolled on the statistics course in the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Barcelona. Consequently, this paper attempts to determine the factors that affect student performance in this subject by undertaking an analysis of a structural equation model and determining its stability over time. In order to accomplish our objective, we worked with two samples of students enrolled statistics classes. The first group comprised 211 students enrolled in the academic year 2000– 2001, while the second comprised 287 students enrolled in the academic year 2001–2002. By administering a questionnaire, we obtained information concerning such variables as demographic data, previous...
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...be the first in my family to attend and complete college.In early 2017 I began my first year of college at Rowan at Burlington County College.First-generation college students...
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...Licensed to: iChapters User Statistics for Management and Economics Abbreviated, Ninth Edition Gerald Keller VP/Editorial Director: Jack W. Calhoun Publisher: Joe Sabatino Senior Acquisitions Editor: Charles McCormick, Jr. Developmental Editor: Elizabeth Lowry Editorial Assistant: Nora Heink Senior Marketing Communications Manager: Libby Shipp Marketing Manager: Adam Marsh Content Project Manager: Jacquelyn K Featherly Media Editor: Chris Valentine Manufacturing Buyer: Miranda Klapper Production House/Compositor: MPS Limited, a Macmillan Company Senior Rights Specialist: John Hill Senior Art Director: Stacy Jenkins Shirley Internal Designer: KeDesign/cmiller design Cover Designer: Cmiller design Cover Images: © iStock Photo © 2012, 2009 South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support, 1-800-354-9706 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all requests online at...
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...describing Nightingales contributions to statistics and how it molded the person she is remembered for. The Open University (2011) suggests that statistics are communicated by shapes and...
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...For those who attend college or university in Canada today, debt is inevitable. Many factors can contribute to this fact; the consistent rising of tuition costs, the marginal average income increase of middle-class families, perpetually rising interest rates, but most importantly, the lack of student debt relief knowledge. The Canadian Federation of Students has an ongoing debt clock which reflects the Canadian student loan debt of over 13.9 billion dollars, with an average debt per student upon graduation of approximately 25,000 dollars. This shouldn’t be surprising, knowing that since 1990, the average net income of middle-class families in Ontario has risen only 12.5 percent, all the while, tuition costs have risen from 2,500 dollars per year, to 6,500 dollars, an increase of an astounding 260 percent. This trend of rising tuition costs is consistent throughout the majority of Canadian provinces. Today’s Canadian post-secondary students are capable of controlling their debts, provided, they decrease their loans by minimizing their school fees and costs of living through being resourceful and staying informed. By being accepted to a post secondary institution, students have demonstrated that they have the intelligence and knowledge to succeed in their studies. Staying at university or college, however, takes more than just smarts, it takes resourcefulness. Knowing how to reduce student debt on a grand scale is important for the years after graduation. There are still...
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...he supervised several of them after earning his bachelor’s degree. “It was incredible to me that they had gone through so many years of rigorous training,” says O’Malley of his subordinates at his postbaccalaureate publishing job, “only to be working under someone who’d barely finished his undergrad work.” Still, the experience failed to deter him from pursuing a graduate degree of his own: O’Malley currently is enrolled in his second year of the history Ph.D. program at Johns Hopkins University. 22 22 Occupational Outlook Quarterly ● For O’Malley and thousands of others, the desire for a doctorate outweighs concern about the job market that awaits after graduation. Most Ph.D. candidates are willing to dedicate themselves to intensive research and study because they enjoy the subject matter. Winter 2002-03 Statistics also show other, more tangible payoffs for Ph.D. recipients when they enter the labor force. Unemployment rates are consistently lower and earnings are significantly higher for people with a Ph.D. degree than they are for people with lower levels of educational attainment. As chart 1 shows, doctoral degree holders in 2001 had an unemployment rate of slightly more than 1 percent and median annual earnings of $66,000—considerably Elka Jones is an economist in the Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections, BLS, (202) 691-5719. Chart 1 better than the 3.7-percent unemployment rate and $30,300 median earnings ...
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...The topic of my research report will be the life and works of Dr. David Harold Blackwell. He is a renowned mathematician, statistician, educator, and author. During a time of racism and discrimination, Blackwell went against all odds and excelled in the field of mathematics and statistics. He worked hard and soon became recognized both nationally and internationally from his works and studies, while also mentoring and teaching students to excel in the field of mathematics as well. Dr. David Harold Blackwell was the oldest of four children, born on April 24, 1919 in Centralia, Illinois. As a child, he quickly became interested by mathematics, especially topics that included theorems and equations. His parents discovered their son’s passion and wanted to foster it as well, so they decided to enroll him into integrated schools, rather than racially segregated schools. With being born during the era of racial discrimination and segregation, they wanted to make sure that their son would not be affected by the trials and tribulations of racism. With the support of his family and being taught within a school system that cultivated his learning, Blackwell’s fascination carried on and led to him being recognized in high school within the School Science and Mathematics...
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...Binge drinking among university students is a widespread issue among university and college students in North America and there is a growing consensus of its serious threats to students’ wellbeing (Geisner 2012, Pascall 2003, Wolaver 2002). Binge drinking can be defined as the consumption of five or more drinks in one sitting for males, and four or more drinks for females (Geisner 2012). In 2008, Statistics Canada looked at how many young adults, ages 18-24 participated in “heavy” drinking, defined as 3-5 drinks on a weekly basis. The statistics showed that 41% of males and 29.3% of females participated in this weekly activity (Statistics Canada 2008). Additionally, the Canadian Centre of Substance Abuse did a study solely on undergraduate/...
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...list Electronic items Referencing secondary sources Different works of the same author and same year Acts of Parliament (includes bills) Audio recording Australian Bureau of Statistics (AusStats) Australian Bureau of Statistics (Census information) Brochure Government report (print) Government report (online) Image on the Internet Lecture (unpublished)/ personal communication Legal cases Microfiche/microfilm document Patent/ Trademark (electronic database) Podcast (from the Internet) Study guide Thesis Tutorial/ lecture handout Video recording, television broadcast or episode in a series Video (from the Internet) Web page / document on the Internet Books and book chapters Single author Two authors Three to six authors More than six authors No author Edited book Chapter, article or section in a book Chapter or article in an edited book E-book Reference materials Journal articles, newspaper articles and conference papers Journal article (print version) Journal article (full-text from electronic database) Non-English journal article translated into English Newspaper article (available in print) Newspaper article (from electronic database) Article (from the Internet, not available in print version) Proceedings of meetings and symposiums, conference papers Systematic reviews University of Western Sydney Library APA Referencing Style Guide Referencing Referencing acknowledges...
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...their dream colleges. Following, the welcoming of different colleges to their incoming first year students. It is a want, from both the parents and the students, to be safe while being away from home, attending college with exposure to many different people. It has been stated in the documentary, “more than 16% of college women are sexually assaulted while in college” (Dick, 2015). This statistic comes with disgust and to think that the percentage has only increased since that statistic was published. Sexual assault is a major concern on many college campuses and has been an occurrence...
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...in the School of Statistics Almeda, Josefina V. School of Statistics University of the Philippines Diliman Magsaysay Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, 1101 Philippines jcvalmeda@yahoo.com Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) is one of the three program components of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) established under Republic Act 9163. CWTS covers programs or activities that will add improvement to the common wellbeing for members of the community or its facilities. It aims to instill among the students: citizenship, volunteerism, and career exploration and development. All students of the University of the Philippines need to complete two semesters of CWTS as a requirement for graduation if the student selected this as his or her choice of NSTP component. The teacher has to inculcate to the students that, being scholars of the country, they have to volunteer their service not only to the people but also to the country. This is to show appreciation for the people’s support for their quality tertiary education. Thus, there is integration of civic and social values in the course. What makes teaching CWTS challenging and exciting is that the teacher incorporates statistics in the volunteer work that the students will do. Hence, the teacher prepares the students to do statistical work needed by the public and makes them aware of the different paths they can take in their respective careers. CWTS in the School of Statistics Each college in the University of the Philippines...
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...Polytechnic University of the Philippines COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Sta. Mesa, Manila Tel. No. 716-78-32 to 45 REVISED CURRICULUM for BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING ACADEMIC SCHOOL YEAR 2011 – 2012 Polytechnic University of the Philippines COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Sta. Mesa, Manila Tel. No. 716-78-32 to 45 2011 IE CURRICULUM FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER | COURSE CODE | COURSE TITLE | Pre-Requisites | COURSE CREDITED UNIT (S) | No. of hours | | | COURSE CODE | COURSE TITLE | | Lec | Lab | TOTAL | HUMA1013 | Introduction to Humanities | | NONE | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | MATH2013 | College Algebra | | NONE | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | MATH2033 | Plane and Spherical Trigonometry | | NONE | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | NASC 2015 | General Chemistry | | NONE | 5 | 4 | 3 | 7 | INEN3342 | Industrial Production Techniques 1 | | | 2 | 0 | 6 | 6 | ENGL1013 | Study and Thinking Skills in English | | NONE | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | PSYC1013 | General Psychology | | NONE | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | PHED1012 | PE1 (Physical Fitness) | | NONE | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 | NSTP1013 | CWTS / ROTC 1 | | NONE | (3) | 3 | 0 | (3) | | | | TOTAL : | 27 Units | 22 | 11 | 33 | SECOND SEMESTER | COURSE CODE | COURSE TITLE | Pre-Requisites | COURSE CREDITED UNIT (S) | No. of hours | | | COURSE CODE | COURSE TITLE | | Lec | Lab | TOTAL | LITE1013 | Philippine Literature | | | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | MATH2022 | Advanced...
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...problems, which encourage me to pursue a higher degree in Statistics. Because some useful statistics topic in my undergraduate education were either only brought up for a definition or not covered, besides the missing value imputation method, the graphical Markov models, fixed and random effects, and variance analysis are also some of the topics I wish to learn in my graduate study. Besides advanced statistical methodology, I am particularly motivated to develop the links between statistics and computer science, although I have made every effort in studying Statistic software, like SPSS, Eviews, and Clementine, and I use my spare time learning R and C language by myself, I think there is still long way to go. I plan to further improve my programming ability, especially the options and programming techniques I didn’t know before, like the combination of C++ and R will make the loop in R run faster. With the huge amounts of data collected in the worldwide everywhere in every second, the marriage of theories, the effective methodology of numerical analysis and computer science becomes more urgent and important than ever. I believe a good statistician need also be a good programmer. So a university that emphasize statistical methodology and statistical programming is perfect fit my goal. And I found the Master of Science with a Major in Applied Statistics in MSU is the one. I have built up a sufficient foundation in statistics knowledge during my undergrad study. The courses Calculus...
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...Vietnam International University (VNU) – HCMC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (IU) Semester 01, Academic Year 2014 - 2015 ------o0o------ ---OOO--- MID-TERM EXAMINATION Duration: 150 Minutes SAMPLE TEST 06 Student ID: ................................ .................................................... Name: ........................................ Date: .......................... .................................... .................................... INSTRUCTIONS 1. This is an open book examination; 2. Calculator is allowed; 3. Discussion, material transfer, and electronic devices (including laptops, cell phones, and electronic dictionaries) are strictly prohibited. PART I : (Please answer on the QUESTION SHEET) 40 POINTS Use the following data for the next 3 questions: The following data are monthly rents paid by a sample of 30 households selected from a small city: 880 1081 721 1075 1023 775 1235 750 965 1210 985 1231 932 850 825 100 915 1191 1151 630 1175 952 1100 1140 750 1140 1370 960 1035 1280 1. What is the 78th percentile of the data set? a. 1160.6 b. 1177.88 c. 1151 d. 1171 e. None of the above, specify__________ 2. What is the IQR of the data set? a. 160.25 b. 153 c. 1270 d. 313.25 e. None of the above, specify__________ 3. What is the percentile rank for the observation, 1126.58? a. 56.77 d. 67 b. 66 e. None of the above, specify__________ c. 66.66 Use the following data...
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