Premium Essay

Fiscal and Monetary Policy


Submitted By rukhsana
Words 2178
Pages 9
To measure the performance of the economy the key indicators include economic growth, inflation unemployment of the country. From these indicators economic growth which is measured by GDP is most important. Policy makers judge the economy by measuring these macroeconomic indicators. The performance of the economy is measured in terms of the achievement of its economic objectives. Policy makers develop fiscal and monetary policy to achieve these long term objectives of the economy.

Fiscal Policy
Fiscal policy is used to collect revenue for the government in terms of taxes. Main tools of fiscal policy are taxes and government spending. If government make any changes in tax structure and government spending it effect the aggregate demand and level of economic activity in the country. To stabilize the economy on a business cycle fiscal can be used. Fiscal policy is made under the law of a legislature.
Making any changes in the fiscal policy tools it effects the level of activity and aggregate demand in the country, it also effect the savings and investment in the economy, and distribution of income. * Expansionary fiscal policy
In expansionary fiscal policy government increases spending and decrease taxes. To correct the problem in business cycle transfer payments are increased. Expansionary fiscal policy is used to close the recessionary gap, to decrease unemployment and improve the economic condition during recession. * Restrictive fiscal policy
In restrictive fiscal policy government increases taxes and decrease its spending and transfer payments to resolve the problem of inflationary gape in the business-cycle expansion. The goal of restrictive policy is to decrease inflation close an inflationary gap. Central bank and policy makers achieve these objectives by decreasing government expenditures and taxes which leads to decrease in

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