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Five Personality Leadership Dimensions


Submitted By Queenie1973
Words 672
Pages 3
Five Personality Leadership Dimensions

August 15, 2015
Five Personality Leadership Dimensions Many of us were initially taught that leaders are born with a unique set of inherent traits and if you lack those traits at birth then your destiny is to be a follower. Later, we discovered within our job searches that multiple organizations require various styles of leadership. However, numerous corporations are utilizing “The Big Five Personality Traits” along with other supplements to determine which candidates would be the best fit for a specific job position. The Big Five Personality Traits consist of five key dimensions with characteristic behaviors measured along a continuum which is listed below (Smith, 2015 p.1):
1) Openness: measures your level of creativity and desire for knowledge or new experiences.
2) Conscientiousness: will measure your organizational skills, along with ability to make plans and follow them through.
3) Extraversion/Introversion: this dimension will measure sociability, outgoingness and your energy level within a crowd.
4) Agreeableness: this dimension looks at your level of empathy, friendliness and kindness toward other individuals.
5) Neuroticism: measures your levels of anxiety, irritability, temperament and emotional stability. Therefore, having an understanding of your personality traits prior to searching and accepting a leadership position would be highly beneficial and predictable of your happiness within an organization. “In spite of this, while personality is a strong influence on job attitudes, its relation to job performance is weaker.” (Bauer & Erdogan, 2015).

I. Effects of Personality Dimensions and Leadership Nonetheless, “The Big Five Personality Traits” can help predict your level of satisfaction and the effectiveness of your leadership style within your next job role. For instance, high

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