...TRAGEDY THE OBJECTIVES OF RUKUN NEGARA THE PRINCIPLE OF RUKUN NEGARA CONCLUSION REFERENCE INTRODUCTION Even though most of the people in the country has heard of Rukun Negara, the understanding and the level of knowledge about it varies very much between each individual. Most of them only know about the existence of the Rukun Negara, while some are only able to repeat the principle. However, there are some who understand the meaning as well as the message and the demands of each principle. Rukun Negara should be taken as a guide in our day-to-day living because it is a set of “national tenets” that teaches us the right norms of behaviour. There are two types of dimensions of relationship involved wherever there is human interaction. These two relationships are relationship among fellow human beings and relationship with god. Both of these two dimensions of relationships are recognised by all religions and all profess doing the right things in life. The principles of Rukun Negara ideologise the level the level of authority that control and guide us from the level of god down to the state level, institutions level and finally the self level. The entire background of the ideology and the purpose for creating it must be clearly understood by an individual to internalise the spirits of Rukun Negara. Ideology means a scheme of ideas at the basic of a system. When we say that Rukun Negara is a national ideology it refers to the principles of “living policies” to be used...
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...bumiputera in our country are Bidayuh, Iban, Kadazan and many more. The key of harmony to live with multiracial in a country is our National Principle. National Principle in Bahasa Malaysia is known as “Rukun Negara”. Rukun Negara is divided into three versions. These three versions are Malay, Chinese and English. The purpose to divide it into three versions is easier for different races of Malaysians to understand it. Our national ideology, the Rukun Negara, was proclaimed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong at the launch of the Merdeka Day celebrations in 1970. The five principle of Rukun Negara are including Belief in God, Loyalty to King and Country, The Supremacy of the Constitution, The Rule of Law, Courtesy and Morality. There are five objectives of creating these principles are to achieve greater unity among Malaysian, to maintain a democratic way of life, to create a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared, to ensure a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural traditions, to build a progressive society which shall be oriented to modern science and technology. Actually the creation of Rukun Negara is related with tragedy 513 in our country during year 1969. Tragedy 513 is the day that happened conflict between races in our country and cause many death after this incident. Therefore, Rukun Negara is created to unite all the citizens in...
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...AS MALAYSIANS of all races prepare to commemorate the 53rd Merdeka anniversary, I would like to stress once again the very fundamentals that have brought us together which are the very principles contained in the Rukun Negara, our national philosophy. Through its five tenets (Belief in God; Loyalty to the King and Country; Upholding the Constitution; Rule of Law, and Good Social Behaviour and Morality) the Rukun Negara has formed the principles of our nationhood and these should be inculcated in our younger generation who are the future leaders of our country. The Rukun Negara is our guide for nation-building and should be respected by all. It is a shared vision for national unity and its principles should always be upheld and practised. Many people are taking unity for granted. Even more saddening is that 40 years after the proclamation of the Rukun Negara, it appears that many have forgotten about its five tenets and what they stand for, while others still need to be reminded about the national philosophy. Some have again played to the race gallery for their own personal agenda and selfish ends. This is not a healthy development for in a multi-racial, mutli-religious and multi-cultural country like Malaysia, continuous effort must be made by all Malaysians to nurture and reinforce unity. We must be prepared to reduce our strong sense of ethnicity in order to achieve a “Bangsa Malaysia”. Malaysians should start accepting each other as Malaysians regardless...
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...1. RUKUN NEGARA: THE NATIONAL IDEOLOGY 4.1.1 The Background of Rukun Negara |Date |Incidence/Instrument |Notes | |13 May 1969 |Racial clash erupted |a local quarrel flared into a racial clash | |16 May 1969 |The Yang di-Pertuan Agong(YDA) declared a state of |Special Ordinance (Special powers) Emergency, 1969 | | |emergency. Parliament was suspended. NOC was formed. |Curfew enforced | | | |Assemblies banned | | | |Security controls tightened | |August-Dec 1969 |Special Peace and Development bodies formed: |Later combined to form the Ministry of National Unity | | |National Muhibah Committee | | | |National Unity Department | | |29 Jan 1970 |National Consultative/Unity Council was formed |Advisory body for National...
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...Multiracial Societies in Malaysia A society is a body of individuals living as members of a community A multiracial society refers to a society that consists of various groups of races or ethnicities but under one leadership.Malaysia is a multiple races and cultural country. The very first race that stay in this land were indigenous tribes also known as Orang Asli that still remains; Malay is the next, who moved from mainland Asia in long time ago. The Chinese and India culture was bring in during early 19 century when they start to trade and doing business between them and Malaya at straits of Malacca. Each major religious group has its major holidays such as "Hari Raya Adilfiltri", "Hari Raya Cina" and "Hari Deevapali". Hari Kebangsaan is the most universal holidays that celebrate by the whole Malaysian to celebrate the independent of Malaya back to 31 August 1957. Although festivals are differently from the different ethics, but they still celebrate together in Malaysia. This shows that Malaysian hold the One Malaysia spirit. Before the existence of the three main commiunities (Malay,Chinese and Indian), almost the entire population of Malaya consisted of Malays. In the early 19th century more than 90% of the population in the peninsular of Malaysia and Singapore were Malays. There were only a few number of Chinese who had come to Malaya as traders and settled down in Melacca, Kuala Terengganu, Johor River, Pahang River and Kelantan. Meanwhile, a small number of Indians...
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...management in government administration. This has been done namely through the setting up of the Integrity Management Committee in all ministries, departments and agencies of the Federal Government as well as the State Governments. However, there is no mechanism thus far to involve other sectors, such as the private sector, political parties, non-government organizations, religious groups, the media, women, youth and students in an integrated and coordinated movement to enhance integrity. It is in this regard that the government has formulated the National Integrity Plan (NIP) which will act as a master plan to guide all of the above sectors. The formulation of the NIP is predicated upon the spirit and principles of the Federal Constitution, the philosophy and principles of the Rukun Negara as well as the aspirations of Vision 2020. The overall objective of the NIP is to fulfill the fourth challenge of Vision 2020, namely, "to establish a fully moral and ethical society whose citizens are strong in religious and spiritual values and imbued with the highest ethical standards." The NIP is an integrity plan that has evolved from the aspirations of our people and our country. It has been formulated in accordance with our own mould with Malaysians of all ethnic and religious groups as its stakeholders. The plan takes into...
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...theories into three general subject areas; metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics (Fieser, 2013). Metaethics investigates where our ethical principles come from, and what they mean. Are they merely social inventions? Do they involve more than expressions of our individual emotions? Metaethical answers to these questions focus on the issues of universal truths, the will of God, the role of reason in ethical judgments, and the meaning of ethical terms themselves. Normative ethics takes on a more practical task, which is to arrive at moral standards that regulate right and wrong conduct. This may involve articulating the good habits that we should acquire, the duties that we should follow, or the consequences of our behavior on others. Finally, involving in examining specific controversial issues, such as abortion, infanticide, animal rights, environmental concerns, homosexuality, capital punishment, or nuclear war. By using the conceptual tools of metaethics and normative ethics, discussions in applied ethics try to resolve these controversial issues. The lines of distinction between metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics are often unclear. For example, the issue of abortion is an applied ethical topic since it involves a specific type of controversial behavior. But it also depends on more general normative principles, such as the right of self-rule and the right to life, which...
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...plural society and to ensure equal distribution of wealth between racial groups, between states and federal. Integrity on the part of the government and the public sector is one matter. The introduction of NKRAs and KPIs is a laudable move. The managing of all spectrums of unity (not just racial) is to be given proper thinking. In order to move Malaysia towards a better society, identity and future hence unity and integration should promote co-operation between race, beliefs and region as one Malaysia, not as Sarawakian or Sabahan. The trust and aspiration of the people that 1Malaysia will bring about a greater nation must not be hampered. Therefore, the government will have to deliver on all its promises. The concept unveiled is a guiding principle to build a united and progressive nation, and to inculcate the spirit and values of togetherness and sense of belongings, regardless of race, religion and creed. 1Malaysia is not to abrogate...
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...plural society and to ensure equal distribution of wealth between racial groups, between states and federal. Integrity on the part of the government and the public sector is one matter. The introduction of NKRAs and KPIs is a laudable move. The managing of all spectrums of unity (not just racial) is to be given proper thinking. In order to move Malaysia towards a better society, identity and future hence unity and integration should promote co-operation between race, beliefs and region as one Malaysia, not as Sarawakian or Sabahan. The trust and aspiration of the people that 1Malaysia will bring about a greater nation must not be hampered. Therefore, the government will have to deliver on all its promises. The concept unveiled is a guiding principle to build a united and progressive nation, and to inculcate the spirit and values of togetherness and sense of belongings, regardless of race, religion and creed. 1Malaysia is not to abrogate...
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...unity is an issue that needs to be taken seriously in strategizing the country’s development and administration so that it could retain and defend its freedom as a country which is sovereign. To practice unity, Malaysians first practice “RUKUN NEGARA”, then form political unity, studies unity, social and culture unity such as culture program, festival celebration and foods. First and foremost, Malaysians’ acceptance of multi-racial to Malaysia’s ideology that is “RUKUN NEGARA”. Country’s Rules are life rules or life norms that are very important to each and every citizen in this country. In “RUKUN NEGARA” all Malaysians are united to practicing five principles; Believing in God, Being Loyal to the King and country, Purity of the constitution, Sovereignty of the laws, and Politeness and manners. The first principle is regarding believing in God. It brings the meaning that Islam is the official region of this country. However, other religious other than Islam can be practiced freely by all races in Malaysian. Second, being loyal to the king and country. This brings the meaning of Malaysian despite different races is obligated to give their utmost sincere loyalties to the ruling King. Third, purity of the constitution. This principle avers that it is the...
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...Contents Corporate Information Board of Directors of the Manager Management of the Manager Chairman’s Statement Statement of Particulars of Directors of The Management Company Profile of Directors of the Manager Particulars of Members of The Property Investment Committee Profile of The Chief Executive Officer of The Manager Performance Data Composition of Investment Portfolio Unitholdings and Market Price Property Portfolio Analysis of Unit Holdings Financial Statements Unit Holders Resource 2 3 4 5 8 10 13 15 16 18 19 20 23 26 81 Corporate Information Manager Pelaburan Hartanah Nasional Berhad (175967-W) (Incorporated in Malaysia) Registered Office Of The Manager Tingkat 4, Balai PNB 201-A, Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur Telephone : 03-20505100 Facsimile : 03-20505878 Website : www.ahp.com.my E-mail : phnb@pnb.com.my Board Of Directors Of The Manager Tun Ahmad Sarji bin Abdul Hamid (Chairman) Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hamad Kama Piah bin Che Othman Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ainum binti Mohamed Saaid Dato’ Seri Mohd. Hussaini bin Haji Abdul Jamil Dato’ Abd. Wahab bin Maskan Dato’ Idris bin Kechot Secretary Of The Manager Adibah Khairiah binti Ismail @ Daud (MIA 13755) Tingkat 4, Balai PNB 201-A Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur. Management Of The Manager Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hamad Kama Piah bin Che Othman (Executive Director) Dato’ Idris bin Kechot (Executive Director) Hafidz Atrash Kosai bin Mohd Zihim (Chief Executive Officer) Trustee AmanahRaya Trustees Berhad (766894-T) Tingkat...
Words: 24061 - Pages: 97
...CHAIRMAN’S NOTE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MODULE 1: ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF THE INDUSTRY Malaysian Economic Performance – Overview for the Year 2012 3 6 11 13 C&M Industry Performance – Overview 2012 Global and Malaysian GDP Growth Communications Services Contribution to Growth Bursa Malaysia ACE Market – An Overview of Licensees C&M Industry Financial Performance Overview Telecommunications Companies Broadcasters Trends of C&M Companies Financial Performance Digital Signature C&M Revenue by Services Market Segment ARPU Comparison Contribution of the C&M Industry to Bursa ...
Words: 31483 - Pages: 126
... The Forces for Change is a framework to help you understand today’s radically changing world and synthesize the breadth of complex, fast changing, interdependent factors Are all changes bad? Change can be uncomfortable and awkward but it can also be positive. FORCES OF CHANGE AND THEIR ACCOMPANYING VALUES FORCES OF CHANGE & ACCOMPANYING VALUES Turbulence Intellectual capital, Intellectual propert, ,information sharing Networking, innovation, R&D INFORMATION AGE K-Economy GLOBALIZATION DEVELOPMENT Autonomy, Pride, Dignity Independence, Indigenization “CultureBound” Customer Focus; Speed, Responsiveness; Continuous Learning; Accurate & Up-To-Date Information Quality; Value Added; Cost Effectiveness; Humanization; Ecological Specialisation; Objectivity; Materialism; SystemsOrientation MODERNIZATION WESTERNIZATION Individualism; Secularism; Freedom Of Expression; Consumerism INDUSTRIALIZATION Mechanization; Rational Thinking; Bureaucracy; Efficiency; Productivity; Mobility; Discipline; Mechanical Time Orientation; Reliability Stable 1800 AGRICULTURAL Revolution Time line Simple division of labor, labor intensive, Collectivism, sharing 2000 FORCES OF CHANGE & ACCOMPANYING VALUES Turbulence Intellectual capital, Intellectual propert, ,information sharing Networking, innovation, R&D INFORMATION AGE K-Economy GLOBALIZATION DEVELOPMENT Autonomy, Pride, Dignity Independence, Indigenization “CultureBound” Customer Focus; Speed...
Words: 23543 - Pages: 95