Premium Essay



Submitted By hnguyen22
Words 1500
Pages 6
Name: __________________________ Date: _____________

1.|Congressmen who favored vigorous Reconstruction measures held that|
A)|although particular southerners had erred, the Union itself had endured through the Civil War.|
B)|the Reconstruction process outlined in the Constitution should be closely followed.|
C)|the president had sole responsibility for Reconstruction.|
D)|the Confederate states, by seceding and making war against the United States, lost their status as states and should now be treated as conquered territories.|

2.|The First Reconstruction Act|
A)|recognized the legitimacy of existing southern state governments.|
B)|extended federal support for the education of freedmen in the South.|
C)|guaranteed freedmen the right to vote.|
D)|confiscated large southern plantations and divided them into smaller plots of land.|

3.|The black codes enacted in the South after the Civil War showed that southerners|
A)|were willing to allow African Americans equality under law.|
B)|sought to return African Americans to a position of servility.|
C)|recognized the need for providing basic education for African Americans.|
D)|would leave the destiny of African Americans up to African Americans themselves.|

4.|Andrew Johnson's initial plan for Reconstruction|
A)|demonstrated an unforgiving hatred of all southerners.|
B)|protected the political rights of freed slaves in the South.|
C)|attempted, at least temporarily, to deny power to wealthy southern planters.|
D)|failed to require the southern states to draft new constitutions.|

5.|After the Civil War, the main purpose of the Ku Klux Klan in the South was to|
A)|persecute African Americans.|
B)|close integrated schools.|
C)|maintain law and order.|
D)|intimidate Republicans.|

6.|Which of the following statements is true concerning the experience of freedmen on the Sea

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