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Flagstaff Research Paper

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The Ransom Robberies of Flagstaff, Arizona

Introduction (He Almost Got Away with It) Last week, a series of armed bank robberies occurred in the small town of Flagstaff, Arizona. The suspect robbed a series of banks located all across the town. The suspect committed these robberies by writing ransom notes at each bank and passing it to the teller in order to avoid a big scene. The suspect was caught during the 7th robbery in which the bank teller was able to notify police before the suspect could get away. When doing a search of the suspect they located a pen believed to be used in the writing of all seven ransom notes. To prove that the man in custody was in fact the robber, an experiment was conducted using paper chromatography to compare the ink of the pen from all seven notes to the ink …show more content…
Chromatography is a process which allows unknown mixtures to be separated and identified. Chromatography has two phases known as the stationary and mobile phase. In paper chromatography, the paper is the stationary phase, and the solvent is the mobile phase. The retention factor is the ratio of the distance the spot moved above the origin to the distance of the mobile phase. Chromatography and retention techniques are often used in forensics because it can be applied to many different crime scenes where part of their evidence includes mixtures of some form that connect the suspect to the crime.

Materials and Method (Ink Masters of Northern Arizona)

In order to begin the crime scene investigation, it was essential to insure the proper safety attire was worn to protect the

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