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Florida Sugarcane Fields Research Paper

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Your chosen site: Florida Sugarcane Fields

Briefly (1-2 sentences each) describe the site’s current:
Landform: The sugarcane fields just south of Lake Okeechobee are divided boxes of tropical sugar cane grass native to the Asian tropical climate. There is a marshy low wetlands area closer to the lake, but less sugarcane is produced there.
Climate: The climate of the farmland surrounding Lake Okeechobee is a humid sub-tropical region, rarely going below freezing. There is an above average amount of rainfall for the U.S., which explains the tropical storms in the area.
Ecosystem (vegetation/land cover): The rich nitrogen-filled soil is key to the production of the sugarcane. The giant sub-tropical grass is accompanied by groundsel and other …show more content…
More recently the land has been used commercially to produce “white sugar” or the kind sold at the local grocery store. Even farther back, the Seminole Indians used the land as a resource to acquire water and food.

(2) Choose two Earth Systems (from the list given in class, and below), and define the “natural” or "baseline" state that was altered by human action. [1-2 sentences each]
System 1: Litosphere- Hundreds of years ago when the land was first discovered there was nothing surrounding the lake, but the marshy low lands common to the Everglade region. The land was originally covered by mangrove trees and .
System 2: Bio-geochemical- the original soil was very fertile, without many pesticides or other growth chemicals. When these harmful chemicals were not in the ecosystem, there was much better flooding control.

(3) For each of the two systems, identify how at least two attributes (state, fluxes, storages, composition) were transformed, in terms of the “before-and-after” state or composition of the system, or how particular fluxes or storages increased or decreased. [1-2 sentences

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