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Fluid Intelligence Argument Analysis

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The common argument related to the conceptualization of intelligence is often based on a dualistic division of “fluid” intelligence or “foxed intelligence”. In this traditional dialectic, the concept of fluid intelligence defines how a young person may logic and reasoning to solve problems, which do not rely on memory or past experiences to achieve this goal. More so, the concept of “fixed” intelligence often relies on memories or past experiences that help the learner adapt as they grow out of childhood and into adulthood. However, the development of multiple intelligence theories, such as Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory (2002), define a blend of (1) analytical intelligence, (2) creative intelligence, and (3) practical intelligence to define …show more content…
In this manner, Sternberg is making the claim that series of components and processes can be used together, instead of being identified as being either fluid or fixed. This is why the human brain often relies on combination of fluid (logical and analytical processes) and fixed (creative and practical) learning methods gained from experience and memory. Certainly, this process defines the compatibility of fluid and fixed intelligence processes that devolves the dualistic interpretation of fluid versus fixed intelligences. Another argument in favor of the capability of the fluid and fixed forms of intelligence is based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Integrated Model of intelligence. This theory identifies the fluid model of intelligence and the fixed model of intelligence (aka. crystallized …show more content…
Sternberg and CHC define the interactive elements of these two forms of intelligence, which reflect a broader understanding of the complexity of the human mind. For example, an individual may choose to rely on fluid intelligence when taking a science test, but may also rely on previous memories of scientific formulas to help them solve a problem. This is perfect example of the way that the human mind can integrate both forms of intelligence as a way to identify soou8tions to specific problems. This is an important way to understand the benefits of a multiple method of intelligence, which does not compartmentalize the fluid and fixed methods of intelligence. Certainly, a dualistic approach to choosing fluid or fixed is cannot exist individually and on their own merit, which suggests that a compatibility between the two is a more realistic application of this theory. This is why the fluid and fixed theories of intelligence are not dualistic separated from each other, but they can be used intermittently and collaboratively in the problem solving process. Fluid and fixed intelligences are an important part of the complexity of the cognitive function of the brain, which expands upon the theory of multiple intelligences in the modern

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