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Food Security


Submitted By Alaakhalid
Words 495
Pages 2
Food Security

Almost half of the world's population, which exceeds over 3 billion people, struggle to find food. It is apparent that the world is facing many food security problems, this report identifies the meaning of food security and discusses the reasons behind this globally widespread problem; throughout the report a supportive survey results were be used.
Food security is not a new expression; however according to the survey 4 out of 10 people are not aware of it, there are numerous definitions of food security, for instance it can be defined as “the existence of the necessary conditions for human beings to have physical and economic access, in socially acceptable ways.” (IICA, 2009)
The food security problem arises from day to day, many people do not realise the danger of this issue and its impact, for example 80% of people who claim that they care about this issue do not know what the proper solution is, to address this problem; the question that should be asked is”Who and what is responsible?” in the survey; 88% of the respondents say that governments are responsible for this issue, while only 12% believe that citizens hold the responsibility, this could be explained by assuming that citizens are incapable of participating in determining effective solutions.
However, it is fair to say that governments are partly responsible for the aggravation of this issue, but in reality there are so many natural causes behind the deterioration. One of the causes is climate change; in fact climate change is the main cause behind the food security problems for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that natural disasters result from climate change; famines worldwide are nothing but results of natural disasters, such as the famine in Haiti, 65% of the respondents said that climate change is the main reason for food security problems worldwide.
The second reason is

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