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Food Technology - Food Manufacture


Submitted By clairebear942
Words 1702
Pages 7
1. Describe the manufacturing processes used that transform the raw materials into the manufactured food product:

The process of mixing is used to evenly distribute ingredients and transforms the ingredients into dough. Within a factory setting that is creating Chocolate Chip Cookies, all the ingredients are poured into an industrial sized mixing machine that is set to mix all the ingredients together until the dough is complete.

When freezing a product, the slower the rate of freezing, the larger the ice crystals form. This is why it is desirable to have the most rapid rate of freezing. Chocolate chip cookies that are being distributed to food service customers (e.g. restaurants and hotels) are frozen. They are put into a freeze tunnel and then flash frozen to prevent the formation of ice crystals. Freezing also stops enzymes growing and reproducing, making them retarded. While they are stoped, they are not destroyed.

The type of equipment used to heat the raw material depends on the nature of the raw materials and the intensity of the heat treatment. The chocolate chip cookies that are being distributed to supermarkets and large scale shops as a finished product need to be cooked inside the factory. The factory uses radiant heat in an oven, in particular, the tunnel oven. The tunnel oven is the most commonly used type of oven within the factory setting. The baking chamber is over 100 meters long and is narrow and shallow. Heat is also used to destroy the enzymes in the food product.

Large-scale Equipment | Production System | Domestic Equipment | Production System | Ingredients added | Manual | Ingredients added | Manual | Industrial mixer | Computerised | Wooden spoon/Electric beater | Manual/automated | Transfer cookie dough | Manual | Transfer cookie dough | Manual | Forming machine | Computerised | Cuts into shapes/rolls into balls | Manual | Freezing tunnel | Computerised | Freezer in fridge | Automated | Tunnel Oven | Computerised | Fan forced/gas oven | Automated | Packaging machine | Computerised | Cover/package product | Manual | Taken to storage house | Manual | Put in pantry/fridge with coverage (protection) | Manual | Freezer truck | - | Domestic Car | - | Conveyer Belts | Computerised | Handling product, moving | Manual | 2. Compare the processing techniques, equipment, storage and distribution system used by the company, to those used to produce the same food product in a food technology kitchen (domestic):

Mixing – mixing is used in both the domestic setting and the factory setting. The equipment used to mix a batch of chocolate chip cookies in a domestic setting consist of an electric beater and a wooden spoon. In contrast to this, when mixing a batch of chocolate chip cookies in a factory setting, the equipment consists of computerised, large-scale mixing equipment, such as the industrial mixer.
Heating equipment – heating is used in both the domestic and the factory setting. The equipment used in a domestic setting consists of a fan forced or gas oven. The equipment in a factory setting consists of industrial ovens, most commonly, the tunnel oven.
Freezing – freezing is less likely to occur in a domestic setting, unless the producer wishes to preserve the cookie dough for later use. It is a common practise in factories that supply food service customers (hotels and restaurants etc.) with their unfinished product so the food retailers can later bake the cookies on the premises of their businesses location.
Storage – in a domestic setting, the food storage locations consist of the pantry and the fridge, where the food product must be well covered. In a factory setting, a storage house is used, and possibly a freezer storage for the frozen dough.
Distribution system – when the factory sells their product to a retailer (supermarkets or restaurants) a freezer truck comes to deliver the product. The cookies are held in a cold space to assure safe and hygienic travel and distribution. This also slows the growth of enzymes within the food. However in a domestic setting, if the producer wishes to sell the product, the only form of transportation that they could use is a domestic car. If they wish to keep the product cool, they use an eskey.

3. Describe the quality control procedures used by the company during the manufacturing of the food product: * The employees thoroughly check the ingredients before use (e.g. use-by dates, bugs in the flour). * After the ingredients are mixed together in the industrial mixing machine, they are checked by the employees that all the ingredients mixed together well and the dough is up to the companies standards. * Then they place the dough in the former machine, which pushes out the dough in the same set shapes, sizes and weights. This makes all the cookies look and weigh the same. * The dough is halved and while one half travel to the tunnel oven to be cooked, the other half travels to a freeze tunnel and is flash-frozen. This type of freezing stops the continual growth of any micro-organisms and prevents the formation of ice crystals. * The dough goes through the tunnel oven which is set to the correct temperature and the correct time in which the batch of cookies should be inside cooking for. This makes all the cookies evenly baked and rather than having different textures and different outcomes, they all look and taste the same. This also destroys any micro-organisms in the food. * The product then passes through a metal detector to check for any debris from the machines that could’ve broken off and fallen into the dough. * Every 10 minutes random batches from each section are taken to get tested and see if all the sections are performing up to standard. * Before the cookies are packaged, the employees check them to see if there are any deformed cookies that aren’t up to standard.

4. Propose a recipe similar to your food product that can be prepared during the practical lesson:
* 1/3 cup castor sugar * 125g softened butter * 1 ½ cups plain flour * 1 egg * 1/3 cup brown sugar * 185g chocolate chips * ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda * ½ tsp vanilla essence
1. Pre-heat oven to 190°C. 2. Beat the butter with all sugar in a bowl, until creamy. 3. Add the egg and vanilla into the bowl and mix well. 4. Add the flour and bicarbonate of soda a bit at a time. Stir well. 5. Add choc-chips and stir in. 6. Grease baking trays and spoon small amounts onto them (tablespoons, roll into shape). Leave big spaces between them. 7. Bake biscuits for 10-12 minutes until golden brown. 8. Place on wire rack to cool.

5. From your food product recipe- i. Construct a flow process chart: ii. Identify and analyse the critical control points that must be watched and checked during the preparation of your food product:
Travels to storage
Travels to storage
Packaged and labelled
Packaged and labelled
While traveling, random batch tested
While traveling, random batch tested
Half are separated from original batch
Half are separated from original batch
Travels through metal detector
Travels through metal detector
Travels on conveyer belt
Travels on conveyer belt
Transported to mixer
Transported to mixer
Ingredients mixed
Ingredients mixed
Transported to former
Transported to former
Dough Inspected
Dough Inspected
Dough cut into shapes
Dough cut into shapes
Ingredients checked
Ingredients checked
= CCP (Critical control points)
Company = Cottage Cookies
Travels to food service customers
E.g. Hotels, restaurants
Travels to food service customers
E.g. Hotels, restaurants
Travels to food retail customers
E.g. Supermarkets
Travels to food retail customers
E.g. Supermarkets
Travels to storage
Travels to storage
Packaged and labelled
Packaged and labelled
While traveling, random batch tested
While traveling, random batch tested
Dough bakes in oven
Dough bakes in oven

CCP (company) * The ingredients being checked is a major CCP. Inspecting the ingredients is important because the employees need to make sure that the ingredients are fresh and they also need to check for any bugs and/or pests. * After the dough is mixed, it is inspected. This is to make sure that the dough is up to standard and see if it has been mixed correctly and all the ingredients have been evenly distributed. * All the dough needs to be cut into the same shape, the same size and the same weight. If the employees let a piece of dough that is visibly smaller or larger, this is a quality control error and could lead to many complaints. * When the dough is cooking, the employees need to make sure that the dough is cooking at the right temperature for the right amount of time. Not only does this check for undercooking and overcooking, but it also checks to see if the enzymes within the food are killed. * The dough being flash-frozen prevents any ice crystals to form and it also puts the enzymes to sleep, preventing them to grow and reproduce. * The employees test a random batch every 10 minutes to see if the cookies are up the company’s standards and they also check to see if the enzymes in the food are either retarded or destroyed.

= CCP (Critical control points) CCP (domestic) * Batch checked
Batch checked
Stored on wire stack to cool
Stored on wire stack to cool
Cookies taken out of oven
Cookies taken out of oven
Baked for 10-12 minutes (190°C)
Baked for 10-12 minutes (190°C)
Dough is put in oven
Dough is put in oven
Dough is inspected, then rolled into balls
Dough is inspected, then rolled into balls
Dough taken to baking trays
Dough taken to baking trays
Beat butter & all sugars
Beat butter & all sugars
Add eggs & vanilla
Add eggs & vanilla
Add flour & bicarbonate of soda
Add flour & bicarbonate of soda
Add choc-chips
Add choc-chips
The butter and sugars need to be beaten until creamy * The finished dough is checked to make sure all ingredients are evenly distributed, then rolled into balls, aiming for the same size. * The dough is baked for 10-12 minutes in an oven set to 190°C. This destroys any micro-organisms inside the food product. * The first batch is tested to see if fully cooked and is a nice golden brown colour.

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