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For and Against Gay Marriage


Submitted By navneetshergill
Words 589
Pages 3
For and Against Gay Marriage
Same-sex marriage is one of the issues that American lawmakers are going through, right now. It could be a big decision in history, if legalized because the consequences, either positive or negative, can extremely affect our society. That’s why many debates start once this topic, legalizing same-sex marriage, starts. In “For Gay Marriage” Andrew Sullivan talks for homosexual being married, and in “Against Gay Marriage” William J. Bennett expresses himself against same-sex marriage.
Andrew Sullivan thinks that homosexuals cannot have equal rights until the same-sex marriage is legalized, but William J. Bennett says that talking on this topic is totally pointless. Bennett says that legalizing gay marriage would be destroying that word “marriage.” He calls it an “honorable estate,” because of the differences between men and women balance it out and makes it complete. Marriage is a tradition not an insult to those who cannot get married. According to Bennett, heterosexual marriage is a social act and taught by all major religions, worldwide. It is a universal reorganization of male and female. But, Sullivan talks about the basic needs of a marriage rather than looking at it religiously. Sullivan discusses that there is no law that expects a married couple to have kids. It is a bond emotional, psychological, and financial bond between two people. Also, Sullivan argues that heterosexual marriages do not guarantee that they will always workout.
According to Sullivan, the law of domestic partnership does not make up for marriage for homosexuals. Under this law, a couple is eligible for most of the benefits but federal tax and veteran benefits. Any two people living together can qualify for domestic partnership, that’s why majority of heterosexual couples go for it, as well. So, just to save this declining act of marriage,

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