...inflow of Foreign Direct investments has become a striking measure of economic development in both developed and developing countries. FDI and FII thus have become instruments of international economic integration and stimulation. Fast growing economies like Singapore, China, Korea etc have registered incredible growth at onset of FDI. Though US captures most of the FDI inflows, developing countries still account for significant growth of FDI and rise in FII. FDI not only gives access to foreign capital but also provides domestic counties with cutting edge technology, desired skill sets, tools of innovation and other complementary skills. Apart from helping in creating additional economic activity and generating employment, foreign investment also facilitates flow of sophisticated technology into the country and helps the industry to march into advanced technology. A favorable business environment fostered Indian economy after 1991, when the government of India opened the door for foreign capital in the way of direct investment and through foreign institutional investors. The policies drafted to stimulate the flow of foreign capital in to India provided much needed impetus for India to emerge as an attractive destination for foreign investors. Consequently, the international capital inflows have been increased tremendously during last two decades. What is Foreign Direct Investment? Any investment that flows from one country into another is known as foreign investment...
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...FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN INDIA ITS IMPACT ONBANKING AND INSURANCE SECTOR Introduction to topic Foreign direct investment is investment made by a foreign individual or company in productivecapacity of another country. It is the movement of capital across national frontiers in a manner that grants the investor control over the acquired asset. A parent business enterprise and itsforeign affiliate are the two sides of the FDI relationship. Together they comprise an MNC. The parent enterprise through its foreign direct investment effort seeks to exercise substantial controlover the foreign affiliate company.Foreign direct investments (FDI) are investment of foreign assets into domestic structures,equipments and organization. FDI reflects the objectives of obtaining a lasting interest by aresident entity in one economy (Direct Investor) in entity resident in an economy other than thatof the Investor (Direct investments enterprise). The lasting interest implies the existing of a long-term relation between the direct investor and the enterprise and a significant degree influence onthe management of the enterprise. Direct investment involves both the initial transaction betweenthe two entities and all the subsequent capital transactions between them and among affiliatedenterprises, both incorporated and unincorporated. Problem Statement In today¶s economy FDI plays an important role in a each sector. So it is important to understandthe concept and trends of FDI, therefore...
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...Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT 5 MAJOR IMPACTS OF FDI 8 EXPORTS 8 TREND IN EXPORT IN INDIA 9 MAJOR FACTORS THAT AFFECT EXPORTS 10 EXPORT TRENDS AND THE WAY AHEAD 12 IMPACT OF FDI ON EXPORT 12 HOW FDI DRIVES EXPORT 12 IMPACT ON SERVICE INDUSTRY 13 METHEDOLOGY 14 PERIOD OF STUDY 14 SOURCES OF DATA 14 HYPOTHESIS 14 RESULT 15 ANALYSIS 16 IMPLICATION 16 CONCLUSION 16 REFERENCES 18 EXHIBITS 20 FIGURES 23 INTRODUCTION Foreign direct investment is an important part of the economy of every country.It helps expedite the globalisation process. Firms across the world interact with other firms situated in different countries. This results in mutual growth of firms and states. Over the years FDI as a percentage of GDP of world has increased significantly. In 1980 the total stock of FDI equalled only 6.6 per cent of world gross domestic product, while in 2003 the share had increased to close to 23 per cent. This implies that the world economy is getting increasingly interconnected resulting into the flow of goods and capital into developing nations. India has seen tremendous growth in the FDI inflow over the past two decades. By 1997 India became the ninth largest recipient of such investment among the developing economies. Flow of capital and goods has impacted various macroeconomic variables of the economy. Export is one of the variables that gets affected due to the increase in FDI.It has seen...
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...Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies Vol.2 Issue 1, January 2012, ISSN 2249 8834 Online available at http://zenithresearch.org.in/ AN OVERVIEW OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN INDIA SYED AZHAR*; K.N.MARIMUTHU** *Research Scholars, School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, AndhraPradesh-500046. ABSTRACT This paper attempted to make an analysis of FDI in India and its impact on growth. It also focuses on the determinants and needs of FDI, year-wise analysis, sectoral analysis and sources of FDI and reasons. One of the economic aspects of globalization is the fact that increasing investments in the form of foreign direct investments. In the recent times due to the global recession most of the countries have not been able to pull investments. India has been able to attract better FDI’s than the developed countries even during the crisis period also. Especially in the recent years the FDI in India has been following a positive growth rate. Since 1991 the government has focused on liberalization of policies to welcome foreign direct investments. These investments have been a key driver for accelerating the economic growth through technology transfer, employment generation, and improved access to managerial expertise, global capital, product markets and distribution network. FDI in India has enabled to achieve a certain degree of financial stability; growth and development to sustain and compete in the global economy. KEYWORDS: FDI, GDP, Growth...
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...34-42 www.researchinventy.com Role of Foreign Direct Investment in India: An Analytical Study 1 Dr. Jasbir Singh,2Ms. Sumita Chadha,3 Dr. Anupama Sharma 1 Associate Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Janakpuri, Delhi Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Janakpuri, Delhi 3 Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Janakpuri, Delhi 2 Abstract: International Economic Integration plays a vital role in Economic Development of any country. Foreign Direct Investment is one and only major instrument of attracting International Economic Integration in any economy. It serves as a link between investment and saving. Many developing countries like India, are facing the deficit of savings. This problem can be solved with the help of Foreign Direct Investment. Foreign investment helps in reducing the defect of BOP. The flow of foreign investment is a profit making industry like insurance, real estate and business services and serving as a catalyst for the growth of economy in India. The present study is based on the objectives like (a) to know the requirement of amount of foreign investment by India, for its economic Development and (b) to analyze the trend and role of FDI & FIIs in improving the quality and availability of goods has been beyond doubt. To analyze all these objectives data has been gathered through secondary sources like reports and publication of Govt. and RBI relating to foreign Investment. After analyzing all the facts it may...
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...Services & Management Research Vol.1 Issue 8, August 2012, ISSN 2277 3622 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN INDIA R. ANITHA* *Assistant Professor, Anna Adarsh College for Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. ABSTRACT Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays a very important role in the development of the nation. It is very much vital in the case of underdeveloped and developing countries. A typical characteristic of these developing and underdeveloped economies is the fact that these economies do not have the needed level of savings and income in order to meet the required level of investment needed to sustain the growth of the economy. In such cases, foreign direct investment plays an important role of bridging the gap between the available resources or funds and the required resources or funds. It plays an important role in the long-term development of a country not only as a source of capital but also for enhancing competitiveness of the domestic economy through transfer of technology, strengthening infrastructure, raising productivity and generating new employment opportunities. In India, FDI is considered as a developmental tool, which helps in achieving self-reliance in various sectors and in overall development of the economy. India after liberalizing and globalizing the economy to the outside world in 1991, there was a massive increase in the flow of foreign direct investment. This paper analyses FDI inflow into the country during the Post Liberalization...
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...Literature review 4 Research methodology 9 Analysis 11 Case study: Tata’s Croma 16 Findings 20 FDI in Retail in India 21 Growth drivers in India for retail sector 22 Discussion 23 FDI in INDIA SECTOR WISE 23 Conclusion 25 Bibliography 27 Introduction Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is fund flow (inflow/outflow) between the countries wherein one gains benefit from their investment whereas another can exploit the opportunity to enhance the productivity and find out better position through performance. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the flow of funds between countries wherein one country reaps benefits from the investments and the other can make the most of the opportunity to improve the productivity and stabilize their position through performance. The Dictionary of Economics has defined FDI as investment in an overseas country through the acquisition of a company there of an operation on a new site. In other words, the capital inflows from abroad that is invested in to improve the production capability of the economy. Two forms of FDI: * Inward FDI * Outward FDI FDI is an important factor for growth and development in both developed and developing countries. FDI has seen a spectacular growth in the last two decades globally. Policies are formulated in order to accelerate inward flows. FDI provides good opportunities and benefits for both the host and home countries in terms of investments. The “home” countries benefit from the markets...
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...FDI In Insurance INTRODUCTION With the deregulation of insurance industry in India since 1999, private players have got an opportunity to enter in an insurance markets. Prior to its deregulation, the life insurance business was dominated by the public sector company is life insurance Corporation of India. While liberalization of insurance sector, as many as twelve new private life insurance companies were entered with the help of foreign equity up to 26 per cent in the life insurance business apart from the HDFC standard life, which has stand foreign equity only 18.6% in the beginning of insurance business, in the present time there are entire 22 private life insurance companies operating business in India, their in we have selected five private life insurance companies, as like ICICI prudential life insurance (2000), HDFC standard life (2000), Aviva life (2002), SBI life insurance (2001), TATA life insurance (2001). They are entire companies is playing a vital role in life insurance business with motive for exist and prospective customers to provide better facilities in lives saving scheme, future security, investment plan, funds investment etc. Consequently, the public-sector company has been face towards countering the challenges posed by the entered new players in the same business. The private players have been striving to build confidence in customers and get a foothold in the markets. In competitive markets, life insurance companies come out...
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...International Referred Research Journal,August, 2011. ISSN- 0974-2832, RNI-RAJBIL 2009/29954;VoL.III *ISSUE-31 Research Paper— Management Foreign Investment in Life Insurance Companies * Kishor Kumar Meena * Management, Jaipur National University, Jaipur A B S T R A C T The Insurance sector reforms have open in the door for private play-ers, private insurance companies in the beginning of life insurance bus-iness with public sector company (LIC). Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has allowed in private life insurance companies in India, under an act of IRDA with a limit of foreign equity of 26%.The life insurance sector is playing a pivo-tal role in both Indian and Global markets.Those factor we have taken for the analysis of private life insurance companies performance are premium growth, market share of the companies, portfolio Invest-ment, equity share capital etc. It is use for a measure of positive or negative impact of FDI investment in Indian private life insurance co-mpanies. It has investigated for a sample of five selected private life insurance companies and one pub-lic company for the purpose to co-mparison with selected companies it is using a panel data for analysis in between the period of 2002-10. Different key variable is use to an-alysis yearly premium income, infr-astructure development, employee facilities, business expansion etc. it was examined to identify cause for any significant impact on the life insurance sector. The study has made use of secondary...
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...COLLECTION/SAMPLE SELECTION 9 HYPOTHESIS 10 Research Methodology 10 FINDINGS 11 CONTRIBUTION TO LITERATURE 23 CONCLUSIONS 23 References 25 UNDERSTANDING ON RESEARCH PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION & DEFINITION Relationship between macroeconomic variables and broad market index: A causal relationship between Nifty CNX and macroeconomic variables in India ABSTRACT The relationship between macroeconomic variables and broad market index by now are well documented in the literature. However a void in the literature relates to examining the causal relationship between Nifty CNX and macroeconomic variables such as FDI, FPI, weighted average lending rate (WALR), GDP and oil import in India and correlation among the macro variables. INTRODUCTION Globalization of Indian economy post liberalization has been spurred by capital and stock investment in terms of FDI & FPI. Indian stock market both securities and commodities are among the favourite hunting spots for foreign investor betting on India’s growth story. Over the last two decades the fast space of economic growth and progressive policy liberalization has made India an attractive destination for World’s investors. FDI and FPI thus have become instruments of international economic integration and stimulation. Fast growing economies...
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...Effect of FDI on Bilateral Trade Abstract Contemporary literature refers to trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as alternative strategies. The debate is mainly between two notions: (1) that FDI displaces trade, and (2) that FDI and trade complement each other. Literature on FDI talks about the effect of foreign investments on trade. Lipsey (2002) mentions that outward FDI may decrease or increase (or have no effect on) exports of home country. These effects depend largely on the competitiveness of the host country and the motives behind investment by the home country in the host country. This paper is aimed at studying the effect of FDI on bilateral trade as well as effect at the aggregate level especially in the developed-developing nation paradigm. Introduction Literature suggests that there are a number of motives on which FDI takes place across nations. Most of the firms in the developed countries will go for foreign investment once they fulfill their domestic market and they in order to grow will go to foreign market. In this case the main motive of a firm is to tap new markets. This entry of one firm in to a foreign market will create a bandwagon effect thorough which their competitors will also enter that market. Again, when the competition sets in the foreign market, companies will be forced to take cost reduction measures to achieve higher profits will look for other destinations which have lower cost of production and thus the motive will become efficiency...
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...Effect on Local Businesses in Retailing Sector (India) Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Literature Review 2 Effect of MNC’s into Indian Retail Market 5 Advantages 5 Disadvantages 7 Hypothesis 8 Conceptual Model 8 Conclusion 10 References 10 Abstract Globalization paved the way for entrepreneurs to expand their wings beyond their respective counties. MNCs exploit the business opportunities in other countries based on the FDI policies in those countries. This has both advantages and disadvantages to the target country. The MNCs have their impact on the economy and people of countries in which they operate business. This paper focuses on the impact of MNCs on local businesses in retail sector in India. The report review existing literature which provides insights into FDI policies in India, the level of FDI allowed by Indian government with respect to single –brand and multi-brand foreign companies, the advantages, opportunities, risks, threats and disadvantages of allowing MNCs into retailing sector in India. Introduction Retailing is the business taking up by individuals or families in India. Generally mom and pop kind of businesses operate in retail sector. The retail sector has tremendous growth in India. Moreover retailing is a profitable business in India. Since India is the country with huge population, naturally it is the correct destination to foreign investors to get profits from the market. India has been traditionally depending on the small...
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...Nayak D.N (2004) in his paper “Canadian Foreign Direct Investment in India: Some Observations”, analyse the patterns and trends of Canadian FDI in India. He finds out that India does not figure very much in the investment plans of Canadian firms. The reasons for the same is the indifferent attitude of Canadians towards India and lack of information of investment opportunities in India are the important contributing factor for such an unhealthy trends in economic relation between India and Canada. He suggested some measures such as publishing of regular documents like newsletter that would highlight opportunities in India and a detailed focus on India’s area of strength so that Canadian firms could come forward and discuss their areas of expertise would got long way in enhancing Canadian FDI in India. Balasubramanyam V.N Sapsford David (2007) in their article “Does India need a lot more FDI” compares the levels of FDI inflows in India and China, and found that FDI in India is one tenth of that of china. The paper also finds that India may not require increased FDI because of the structure and composition of India’s manufacturing, service sectors and her endowments of human capital. The requirements of managerial and organizational skills of these industries are much lower than that of labour intensive industries such as those in China. Also, India has a large pool of well – Trained engineers and scientists capable of adapting and restructuring imported know – how to suit...
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...FDI IN INDIA: COUNTRY-WISE AND SECTORAL ANALYSIS Abstract: Foreign investment is a subject of topical interest. Countries of the world, particularly developing economies, are vying with each other to attract foreign capital to boost their domestic rates of investment and also to acquire new technology and managerial skills. Intense competition is taking place among the fund starved less developed countries to lure foreign investors by offering repatriation facilities, tax concession and other incentives. However. Foreign Investment is not an unmixed blessing. Governments in developing countries have to be very heedful while deciding the magnitude, pattern and conditions of private foreign investment. The wave of liberalization and globalization sweeping across the world has opened many national markets for international business. It is stated that FDI has to play a novel role in the world economy. The role of FDI has now transformed from a tool to solve the financial crises to a modernizing force. In past liberalization regime India has experienced tremendous growth in FDI inflows from an average of US $5-6 billion during previous five years; it has crossed the level of US $30 billion. But it still receives far less FDI flows than China and the USA or much smaller economies in Asia like Hongkong and Singapore in terms of GDP or Gross Fixed Investment. IT is not surprising, As India’s growth strategies have been reliant primarily on domestic enterprises; Mindset has changed...
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...and India now are widely acknowledged as the planet’s next economic superpowers | The Context China and India are two neighbouring countries in Asia who share the two largest population of the world and in fact added together they represent nearly one third of humanity. Globalisation has imposed internal pressure and external pressure to bear on both India and China. For most Chinese and Indians alike, economic life is hard despite the fact that reforms and globalisation have created various new opportunities and as such both countries have witnessed an emerging middle class with Americanised tastes and preferences, irrespective of this however, both countries remain very poor. Although the two countries went to war in 1962 due to some border dispute, they have since tried to normalise relations and in 1995 for the first time trade had exceeded US$1 billion between them. They have lately received a lot of international attention being viewed as emerging giant economies as they both play key roles at the international level. For example China has been a permanent member of the Security Council at the UN, while India who has lead the Non-Aligned Movement for years and is still vying for a similar position. Furthermore, India has been one of the founding members of the WTO and has played a prominent role as one of the developing nations whereas China has had to fight for decades to obtain its admission into this international organisation. While both China and India have...
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