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Forgiveness In Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter

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Forgiveness in the scarlet letter God and society have forgiven three of the main characters in the Scarlet Letter. All of the characters had sinned but what they do to make up for it should grant them forgiveness. Hester and her daughter Pearl had a rough go at the beginning but they managed to stay faithful to the punishment. Dimmesdale, father of Pearl, and a coward throughout the story ends up making up for himself by the end of the story. Hester's husband Roger Chillingsworth looked for revenge during the story which made him evil in a way, but what happens after he dies makes up for his sins. Even though these characters had a rough time they managed to make up for themselves, making them eligible for forgiveness because they end up doing the right thing. …show more content…
Hester committed adultery and pertaining as a woman that had a little baby(Pearl) in her hands on the scaffold they were not going to hang her. Hester's punishment in return made it so that she had to wear an A on her dress representing adultery. With that A everyone now recognized Hester and knew what she had done. Dimmesdale, a priest, and the father of Pearl meaning he also committed adultery, kept it secret and refused to confess his sins. Roger Chillingsworth was Hester's husband that longed for revenge. Roger became Dimmesdale’s aid once Dimmesdale became gravely ill, and Roger ended up figuring out Dimmesdales true identity so Roger got his revenge. These actions affected all of these characters and added up as their sins but they ended up correcting themselves so they deserve

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