Premium Essay

Founding Fathers


Submitted By chybreezy
Words 1054
Pages 5
Professor Anderson

Back in the eighteenth century America was drastically different than what it is today. Then, Americans would have to build their own houses, raise cattle, sow seeds, make their own clothing just to sustain themselves; let alone the people around them. Now, we go into the nearest department store for our clothes, grocery store for food, and call a real estate agent to buy a new home. If America’s founding fathers were to travel in time to the present day, I think that they would be proud of our country’s ingenuity with how far we advanced ourselves in a couple hundred years, and our diversity. However, I also think that they would be disappointed in the way we interpret our rights, and rapid degeneration of our natural resources. Out of all of our founding fathers, our early inventors such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson would be exceptionally happy in American’s ingenuity. Since World War II, the U.S. has led the world in research and development spending; As a result of this investment the United States has continued to lead the world in aerospace, the Internet, computer science, health care, engineering as well as many other industries (Smith). Our world is now interconnected with social media, so that any news can be shared in an instant, and just as fast as information is being shared, new technology is being improved. From radios, to T.V.’s, and movies we now have cell phones that you can do all of that on while texting your friend before coming late to dinner. Our technological advances have shaped everyday life for the modern day American. No longer do we have to purchase the paper to figure out what is going on in the bordering state a few days later. Now, we can read the news from anywhere in the world because of our iPads’ and Kindles’. Thomas Paine wrote in The Rights of Man "Made up as it is of people

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