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Summary Of The Film 'Founding Fathers'

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Film Review 1
Savannah Crawley
In the film “Founding Fathers” You Say You Want a Revolution we are introduced to our founding fathers. We are taught about their life and hardships that they have encountered during their life. You Say You Want a Revolution is written in third person point of view. Although the thesis may not have the same effect on everyone I found it to be that sometimes-ordinary people can do extraordinary things. In the film, we are shown many hardships that our founding fathers had to face as children all the way up into adulthood. For example, Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson’s father died when Jefferson was only 14 years old. This left Jefferson with his mother in which he did not have a good relationship with. While Jefferson grew up dealing with his family problems he also experienced migraine headaches. Thomas Jefferson owned over 200 slaves over his life time they were all just like his children. …show more content…
Throughout the film it discusses many individual’s role such as; Richard Henry Lee proposed that the colonies should become free nations- treason, John Adams along with Benjamin Franklin were sent to negotiate a peace treaty with the British and Thomas Jefferson was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence. Many people thought that the Declaration of Independent was not holy original. Many people began to think that he pulled an all-nighter and began to pull many documents from around him in order to complete this. After the reviewed it and noticed they had saw words from other documents 25% of the Declaration of Independence was

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