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Fetal Finger Development Research Paper

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According to the Fingerprint Sourcebook, uniqueness lies in embryology and early fetal development. The process of fetal finger development begins after cleavage divisions, and results in pre-patterning. Shortly after this a process known as gastrulation occurs and begins forming the primary tissues ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm; which later form into something different. The ectoderm tissue later forms into the epidermis which is the outer layer of the skin, the mesoderm forms the connective tissues of the dermis layer of skin, and the ectoderm forms organs. After this a process referred to as morphogenesis occurs which is the formation of shape. Limps start to grow (four weeks) and arms, legs, fingers, feet, and toes form (second month). …show more content…
says “until approximately 5-6 weeks EGA, the hand appears as flat paddle-like structure with small protrusions of tissue that will become fingers” (3-5). From 6-7 weeks muscle and cartilage form, from 7-8 weeks fingers separate and bone hardens, and at 8 weeks joints form (Holder et al. 3-5). Another part of fetal develop is volar pads which are transient swellings of tissue found under the epidermis. These are found on the palmar surfaces of the hands and soles of the feet. Pads appear a different times starting with interdigital, then thener, and hypothener. Around 7-8 weeks volar pad start forming on the fingertips in a radio-ulnar gradient (from thumb to little). After this creases begin to form and eventually after several other things form, volar pad regression happens. This is when volar pad growth slows and becomes less visible. The volar pads are not shrinking; the hands and fingers are actually …show more content…
One thing they mention is how fingerprint patterns are influenced by fetal development through the symmetry of the volar pads (Wertheim, Maceo: 2002, 35). They also discuss the two layers of skin also mentioned earlier: epidermis and dermis through their discussion of the principal of permanence. They proceed by introducing this concept of individuality of friction ridge skin. That no two organisms are the same; an example they give is how monozygotic twins (identical) each have unique friction ridge skin. Pattern types are determined through the overall shape and symmetry of the volar pads (Wertheim, Maceo: 2002,

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