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Mission Physician Camp Experience

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Ever since I was old enough to know what a doctor and hospital were, I’ve been interested in the health field. Deciding where I wanted to participate in this field, was a decision that I had a hard time with. However, that all started to change when I became very ill with an unknown sickness.

Every day I struggled with severe, sharp stomach pains, crippling headaches, fatigue, hot flashes, and hours of ongoing nausea. Most nights, I would spend a majority of my time on the floor in the bathroom trying to get myself to feel well enough to actually fall asleep. I always felt very different from my classmates. I was very conscious about my weight as well. Little did I know that my “puffiness” that I was so insecure about was due to an undiagnosed …show more content…
Once I had done my research and learned what Celiac disease was to the extent of most scientists’ knowledge at the time, I became interested in disease and how to cure it, particularly cancers. The summer before my junior year of high school, I had the unforgettable opportunity to participate in North Dakota’s Mission Physician camp. This camp gives high school students the chance to explore all sides of most all health practices first hand. During this week long camp, I was able to scrub in and observe two surgeries, apply and remove a cast on one of my fellow campers, talked to countless doctors and specialist, and shadow an oncologist for two …show more content…
The move time is spent with the oncologist the more and more I realized it was not the cancer I was fascinated by, but the treatment and how the medication would react on certain types of cancer. As the week continued I learned and observed all aspects of the Altru hospital in Grand Forks, except for the hospital pharmacy. Numerous times our group of campers had walked passed it and the more I did the more I wanted to go in and learn about it.

Although this camp was supposed to get me interested in being a physician in a rural area of North Dakota, I had my mind made up on another health aspect. Before I had even made it back to my home in small town Carrington, I was researching pharmacy and the possible schooling options I had for a Doctorate of Pharmacy degree. I was over the moon to find that there was a school in my home state that offered the program. From there on out I had my career plans made out: finish high school, attend college at North Dakota State University, and become a pharmacist one

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