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Maple Way: A Short Story

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In 1952 there was a little town in the hills of Tennessee where everyone knew everyone. With a population of about 15 families, someone can easily tell if a new family moved in. This town was call Maple Tree Way or as the locals call it Maple Way. This town is like every town. It as a bank, church, town hall, little stores and even a gas station. Maple Way even had a Mayor surprising enough. So it was just like every town be for a new family moved in. That is when everything went south.

Well about a week or so before the family moved in, everyone did was they normally did, working, playing, and just being a family loving town. There was a telegram that on Oct. 5, 1952 saying to be on a look out for the Wilson family. The Wilson family are a dangerous bunch of people. There is a story that said that they will make any criminal scared to the bone. Can’t think of such a thing. Well that was the news and it spread out really quick because with a town of …show more content…
Every town member started to prepare for what was about to happened, a firefight will occur in about 3 months. Every town member got every single gun they had in their possessions, and every single anmo they had in stores that the Wilsons didn’t know about. This was going to be something that they will all remember. Now the Wilsons aren’t your average size family. There was more than 50 members in that family, and they was only about 15 families with about 3 to 4 in each family, the odds wasn’t in the favor of Maple Way.

Aug. 20, 1956 at 1200. Every person in the town went to where the Wilsons was staying. Mayor Jacobs said out loud, “Y’alls time is up. You have two choices, y’all can either leave free willingly or you will be forced to leave”

Mr. Wilson said, “And how are you going to make use leave Mr. Jacobs?”

“Its Mayor Jacobs, and we have enough fire power to do so.”

“Ha ha ha, how do y’all even have fire power when we took everything y’all

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