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Continuing Professional Development Portfolio

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Pages 7
Module code HFG1000
Professional Development Portfolio (PDP)
Student Number U1771508
Total word count (excluding reference list)

1200 words

Part One:
Reflective narrative on development of academic skills since the beginning of your BSc (Hons) degree programme (600 words)

You must ensure that this section is supported by appropriate and accurately cited references.

The space will expand as you write When my Podiatry BSc (Hons) degree programme started I was completely puzzled in starting few weeks. Being into healthcare profession we need to be more systematic in our profession so I started gaining confidence after my classes started. Reflection is a phenomenon of rectifying our mistakes and coming …show more content…
Retrieved from,performanceandethics.pdf.

2) (1st June,2007). DEFINING CONFIDENTIALITY. Retrieved from

2. You should keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date Continuing Professional Development- Learning as well as a way for health practitioners to advance their knowledge and skills to ensure safety to service users and meeting standards of this profession. This can be achieved by:-

1) LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE- mistakes done by us in the past must not be repeated in future rather than focus on different solutions for the same, example- if I ever get to notice any mistake done by my colleagues so I would try to help my colleague and learn from the experience as I might face same in future.

2) CONFERENCES- most significant point of attending conferences is that they provide quality information about topics.

3) ARTICLES/BOOKS- they provide most vital information.


1) KNOWLEDGE UP-TO DATE-. Retrieved from …show more content…
It implies that I being a health practitioner must practice within my scope of practice and the aspects which I am confident enough to treat without any assistance with safety. ‘Within my scope of practice’ refers to only practice in the areas which I am specialised about and have complete knowledge and can put appropriate skills and theory into practice. But in some situations we must approach to another practitioner in case we are unable to provide appropriate treatment or we don’t have sufficient knowledge about the

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