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Planned Parenthood: The Uninsured In The United States

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“We need to fight the plague of the uninsured the way we have fought other threats to our way of life and our basic values” (Herbert Kohl”. Herbert Kohl is a businessman, politician and former democratic senator of Wisconsin. In today’s world, being a minority, a woman and having a low-income is one of the worst nightmares for someone living in the America. Millions of working, uninsured Americans go to bed every night praying and worrying about what will happen if an illness or injury strikes. Nearly 15% of women population in Arizona is uninsured and unable to get basic health care. Planned Parenthood, a non-profit organization offers help to the low-income and underserved communities by providing affordable healthcare to young teens, women, and parents. …show more content…
Compared to men, women usually must pay more than men for the same type of coverage, such thing is a practice called “gender rating”. Acts such as Obamacare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act have been established to help those in need obtain insurance, but they haven’t been successful in bringing healthcare to every single person. Nationally, approximately 11% of women in the U.S are uninsured and have inadequate access to care and have poor health outcomes. Just in Arizona, 422,000 women remain uninsured and about 30.9% are African American and 30.4% ware Hispanic women compared to a 15% of Caucasian women. These women don’t have access to mammograms, pap tests and blood pressure tests which are crucial in detecting early stages of cancer and other

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