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Reflection on the Purpose of a Portfolio


Submitted By jacyamb
Words 809
Pages 4
The concept of a portfolio is often discussed by my nursing educators, but what is a portfolio and what purpose will it serve throughout the Bachelor of Nursing program and my future nursing career?
Having had a long career in the Australian public service I am familiar with the concept of a resume which is typically limited to a brief summary of previous employment and education. However, a portfolio is more than just a resume. When used to its fullest potential, a portfolio serves as a repository for documents, certificates and other related artefacts, a workspace for reflecting on professional competence and evaluating learning needs, and as a showcase for presenting evidence that demonstrates current competence and future abilities across a range of criteria in a variety of contexts (Andre & Heartfield, 2007). The structure and content of a portfolio can vary and is dependent on the context, having consideration for the target audience and purpose of presenting the portfolio to them (Andre, 2010).
The NRSG137 unit of study includes a requirement to develop a portfolio that I will continue add to as I progress through the Bachelor of Nursing (BN) program. In this context, I will be presenting my portfolio to university lecturers for the purpose of assessing my performance against defined learning outcomes which in turn are mapped to the university’s graduate attributes. The BN program is accredited by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council, which means that the curricula and student assessment criteria comply with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) competency standards for the registered nurse (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, 2013). My portfolio will therefore contain artefacts that demonstrate my learning progress towards competence in the provision of nursing care (Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council

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