...ASSIGNMENT #1: ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP Introduction This paper analyzes and describes the founding leaders, their leadership styles, and major business principles. It also describes founding leaders with profit orientated and social responsibility orientated approaches. Finally, it gives resources or tools available through Small Business Administration (SBA) and Service Corps of Retired Executive (SCORE) that would be most useful to the type of entrepreneurial approach identified with. Founding Leaders, Leadership Styles and Major Business Principles In the profit oriented leadership style, in which the primary goal is to provide a product or service to consumers and to make a profit, the founding leader is Adam Smith. Adam Smith is identified as the father of capitalism. His leadership style is based on the capitalist model of Laissez Faire. Laissez-Faire leadership style is a non-authoritarian leadership style. Laissez faire leaders try to give the least possible guidance to subordinates, and try to achieve control through less obvious means. Capitalism is an economic system in which the primary motive is to make a profit with little or no regards for the welfare of the population. For example Adam Smith said, “Nobody but a beggar chooses to depend chiefly upon the benevolence of his fellow-citizens. Even a beggar does not depend upon it entirely” (Smith, 2005, p.18). Adam Smith described the concept of capitalism in his book, The Wealth of Nations, published...
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...The Founding Fathers of the United States of America are some of the most praised leaders in modern history. Their passion to establish a new government by and for the people created an undeniable notion that they were great leaders. The Founding Fathers wrote political newspapers articles, led movements in their newly formed political parties, went on to become important figure heads of the new nation and future presidents using their greatness to create the United States today. The greatness of a leader can be defined in many areas but the most important are their integrity and leadership qualities. Great leadership is not defined by the giant statues left behind or even the books written about the impact that you make on the people a leader...
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...Leadership Paper: LMD Toys Company MGT 330: Management: Theory, Practice, Application Ralph Helwig May 07, 2003 Leadership Paper: LMD Toys Company LMD Toys is one of the most impressive success stories of the past quarter century. What is the secret to its success? From the top executives to all the way down the organizational structure, there are leaders who focus their energies on building commitment to the company and executing the company mission. As soon as one vision is accomplished, another quickly replaces it. LMD Toys is an ever-evolving company, involving everyone along the way. This paper will discuss leadership and its relationship to success and how LMD Toys continues to flourish under the transformational style of leadership that has been established since the day it was founded. What is Leadership? Leadership is a key management function. “Leadership is generally defined as influencing others to work willing toward achieving objectives.” (Dessler, 2001, p.168). Leaders motivate employees to pursue a company vision. There is an old business saying, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” In order to be an effective leader of a large or diverse organization, one must have the courage to lead, follow, and get out of the way, depending on the situation. Every large organization has dozens or hundreds of leaders without titles who know just how to do that (Goddard, 2002, p.35). There are generally two types of leadership styles...
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...Assignment 1, Entrepreneurial Leadership Kelly Endebrock Dr. John Kitoko Contemporary Business, BUS 508 January 22, 2012 1. Analyze and describe the founding leader(s), leadership style, and major business principles of a profit-oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary goal is to provide a product or service to consumers and to make a profit. Bill Gates fits into the definition of an entrepreneur, they are said to be achievement-oriented, someone who would work until the task is completed, and who are restless and do not fit into structured organizations. “Entrepreneur Bill Gates founded the world's largest software business, Microsoft, with Paul Allen and became one of the richest men in the world.” (biography.com). Gates started with nothing more than a vision, and has been able to develop and realize this vision with grit and determination and in 30 years has become the center of the world’s largest company. Gates had nothing more than his own skills to develop Microsoft as a business and ultimately as a brand. The true test of an entrepreneur has to be in developing something from almost nothing. The Leadership style of Bill Gates is a mix of Autocratic and Democratic initially, and later he exhibits Laissez-faire styles by delegating some of the task to his key employees. Bill Gates’ Autocratic leadership styles were very obvious as he frequently joined his researchers and made teams and group out of them for more product launches. However...
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...question of "name at least three founding fathers of The United States," we could easily come up with George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, or Alexander Hamilton. Now if that same survey asked instead "name one defining characteristic of these founding fathers," or "describe in your own words the significance of these individuals," we would get various responses. Despite the randomness of answers we would receive on such a survey, a common consensus could be reached about America's Founding Fathers, that is these individuals were great figures in our nation's history. The role they played in the 18th century to establish the basis for a nation that would continue to grow for centuries was significant....
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...Out of our first five presidents, George Washington deserves the title of “America’s Greatest Founding Father” because of his contributions to the United States and possessing of personal qualities that we would expect from our leaders. George Washington was our first president and led good examples for what a true leader should have. Other presidents who were elected into officer throughout the years after his terms, took the example he set & saw him as a role model for how a president should act. With many well known historic events taking place with the greatest, george washington, you can truly see how he is our most important founding father. George Washington had the characteristics of a leader. He was our first president with leading our country for a two term time...
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...Entrepreneurial Leadership Professor Contemporary Business- BUS 508 22 January 2012 Leadership is an art, and requires discipline, good techniques and self-expression. According to (Hellriegel and Slocum, 2011, p.297) effective leadership is the forefront of most organizations and strategic planning exemplifies this philosophy. According to (Boone & Kurtz, 2011, p. 11) an entrepreneur is a risk taker and their entrepreneurial spirit fuels growth in the U.S. economy. Entrepreneurship is seen as a crucial determinant of economic development. Entrepreneurs recognize and capitalize on opportunities so that a business can be created and evolve. Besides creating jobs and selling products, entrepreneurship provides the benefits of innovation. Leadership itself is not enough to make a company succeed; there must also be a good relationship between leaders and followers within the company in order to maintain open lines of communication and to operate at the highest levels of efficiency possible. It takes the right kind of leadership for any specific company and market in order to achieve optimum results. Analyze and describe the founding leader(s), leadership style, and major business principles of a profit-oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary goal is to provide a product or service to consumers and to make a profit. The entrepreneur that we will discuss is Scott D. Cook he is a co-founder along with Tom Proulx for the company Intuit. The two started...
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...The Value of Leadership Leadership is a personal characteristic exuded by profound actions that affect countless individuals, processes, and organizations. It can be taught or learned in many ways across large and small entities alike. The value of leadership, however, cannot be reduced to a specific dollar amount though it is, and always will be, directly tied to an organization’s financial successes and failures. This activity provides insight into the mind of two iconic leadership figures, Michael Dell, founder and CEO of Dell, Inc., and Andy Grove, cofounder and former CEO of Intel, Inc. Michael Dell is considered a modern maverick of leadership. From the inception of his company he focused on providing his customers’ products based on their specific needs and requirements at the lowest price possible. He was not a big fan of filling shelves for retail businesses based on anticipated or surveyed customer buying trends. This allowed Dell to provide a higher level of satisfaction for every customer experience. And, as it turned out, it was a slam-dunk move. Consumers were excited about the opportunity to add their personal touch to newly acquired technologies. Andy Grove is also celebrated as a leadership maverick. From Intel’s early days and throughout his reign as CEO he implemented strategies and changes unlike many others of his time. For instance, he moved Intel completely away from a market in which they helped to pioneer and was highly skilled into an...
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...all-stock deal worth about $1.2 billion. Since its founding in 1999, it has become one of the world's largest online shoe stores. After reading the Zappos case and other relevant materials, your group can answer the below questions while applying some content learned from lectures. 1. Overall, what type of leadership characteristics does Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, have? We have learned the three types of leadership: effective, influential, and responsible? Why do think that Hsieh has that kind of leadership? Provide your opinion and some evidence on the specific leadership. 2. Is Hsieh a transactional leader or transformation leader? If you think he is a transactional or transformational leader, why do you think so? Provide the detailed evidence on your argument. 3. The major terminal value of Zappos is happiness. What kind of instrumental values does Zappos use to demonstrate the Zappos happiness to customers, employees and partners? Please specify detailed components or activities of each instrumental value. 4. Zappos’ CEO pursues empowerment through various tools when employees communicate with customers. For example, the policy to guides external communication was “use your best judgment.” Why is empowerment so successful at Zappos? Do you think this empowerment can work well in other companies? If so, why? If not so, why? 5. Do you agree that “everybody is a leader at Zappos?” Why? Do you think that Hsieh is a great leader?...
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...Entrepreneurial Leadership Strayer University – Online Professor Michael Powers January 21, 2011 Abstract Today’s entrepreneurs can learn how to profit and be social responsibility by studying the leading entrepreneurs of the past. In this paper we will learn Jack Welch and Dirk Mueller-Remus leadership style, and major business principles for a profit-oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary goal is to provide a product or service to consumers and to make a profit. Also their major business principles for a social-responsibility oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary is goal to make a positive impact on society (people, families, ecology, or similar) while providing a product or service to consumers and to make a profit. This paper will also show what three resources or tools available through the Small Business Administration and SCORE would be the most useful. Analyze and describe the founding leader(s), leadership style, and major business principles of a profit-oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary goal is to provide a product or service to consumers and to make a profit. The founding profit oriented leader is Jack Welch. He had a successful strategic plan with an aggressive approach to we maximize the opportunity. He will confidently say that the bottom line for most if not all entrepreneurs are to take care...
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...Environmental Quality International in SIWA BUS 519 – Project Risk Leadership Analyze and describe the founding leader(s), leadership style, and major business principles of a profit-oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary goal is to provide a product or service to consumers and to make a profit. The following leaders , Larry Page, Sergey Brin (Google), Thomas Edison (Light Bub), Vicor Kiam (Remington Electric Shavers), Peter Drucker (Management Thinking), Blake Mycoskie (TOMS) and Anita Roddick (The Body Shop). The leaders all had a similar leadership style; they looked for innovative ideas and customer needs and invested their own money along with securing funds from investors. They had a vision, to be the best, make an impact and use constructive feedback to learn from it and improve on the bottom-line. They did not use the media to promote their product rather used their product to be innovative and allowed it to promote itself to get market share. Successful Entrepreneurs study and learn from how to make a profit by aligning their business strategy from entrepreneurs that have gone through and documented their lessons learned. The primary goal of the leadership style was to provide a niche and service to consumers and make a profit. Analyze and describe the founding leader(s), leadership style, and major business principles of a social-responsibility oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary is goal to...
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...Benjamin Franklin John Doe University of Phoenix LDR-531/Leadership February 8, 2014 Professor: Jane Doe Benjamin Franklin According to the Franklin Institute (n.d.), “Today, America's leadership and government are found in Washington, DC. In the late 1700s, that leadership was in Philadelphia because that's where Ben Franklin was” (para. 4). I am a great admirer of Benjamin Franklin. A polymath, Franklin never stopped learning. His numerous accomplishments include cofounding the first hospital in North America, organizing Philadelphia's first fire company and founding the first circulating library, the Library Company of Philadelphia (La Fon, 2013). These endeavors could not be done alone. Says the National Lightning Safety Institute, “Many of Franklin's achievements involved motivating other people towards his goals. He was successful in accomplishing many things because he enlisted the help of others” (Knowing How to Motivate Others Tactfully). To bring his ideas into reality, Franklin had to use a form of leadership to transmit and instill his vision in others. I desire to emulate his leadership style in order to be successful in my next vocation. Franklin the Leader Franklin embodies every attribute of a charismatic leader as laid out in Leadership in Organizations. His novel and appealing visions lead to the creation of the Franklin stove, bifocals, the odometer and swimming fins as well as the discovery of...
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...Week 3: Leadership and Power Paper LDR/300 The Prime Minister’s Powerful Better Half Mini Case Ho Ching, the wife Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore’s current prime minister and son of a founding father of the country, is the Chief Executive Officer at Temasek Holdings; who according to the text, “was ranked 18th of Asia Most Powerful Business People and 24th of Forbes World's Most Powerful Women” (Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy, 2009). While this demonstrates the power capacity of Ho Ching as a leader; it does not establish the level of influence that she commands or her skills to apply influential tactics necessary to be able to modify followers’ attitudes and behaviors in the desired direction. In order to determine whether Ho Ching is an influential and competent leader or simply a positional leader; one must review and establish what are the sources of power that she possess, as well as her individual characteristics, and her capacity to apply the influence tactics to change the attitudes, values and behaviors of others. Ho Ching is a Stanford-educated electrical engineer, this in itself already demonstrates that Ho Ching is an intelligent individual, and intelligence is a commonly used characteristic to describe potential leaders. Furthermore, according to Nahavandi (2009), “It is clear that the complex task of leading requires a person with cognitive ability to remember, collect, and integrate information, analyze problems, develop solutions, and evaluate...
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...1. Analyze and describe the founding leader(s), leadership style, and major business principles of a profit-oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary goal is to provide a product or service to consumers and to make a profit. According to Boone (2011), profits represents “rewards for businesspeople who take the risks involved in blending people, technology, and information to create and market want-satisfying goods and services.” Entrepreneurship is the “willingness to take risks to create and operate a business to achieve success in the marketplace and earn those profits” (Ibid., pp. 6). Profits are the central focus of any business; a company could not survive without it; Leon L. Bean was one of those people. Leon L. Bean, named by Fortune Magazine, as “1of 200 best entrepreneurial for 2011” (Gale Encyclopedia, Und.). An avid outdoorsman, Leon Bean started out by creating a comfortable, functional boot for exploring the Maine woods. His idea came as a result of him returning from a hunting trip with cold, damp feet. While Bean had to refund money on “90 of the first 100 pairs of shoes, when the shoes developed cracks” (Ibid., Und.), it did not stop him; it led to the creation of “the Maine Hunting Shoe” which changed outdoor footwear forever and began one of the most successful family-run businesses in the country (Ibid., Und.). Treating customer well became a “hallmark of Bean’s business strategy; guaranteeing his product to give perfect satisfaction in every...
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...for the future of the United States. Eventually, the delegates decided to eliminate their current system of government all together and create a new one. The delegates had created the United States Constitution, which established the United States national government and laws. These men who had established this Constitution became known as the “Founding Fathers”. One of these Founding Fathers was John Dickinson, a delegate from Delaware whose numerous contributions left a positive impact on the United States Government....
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