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Four Day Or Infatuation Analysis

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Four Day or Life Long Relationship?
Love or Infatuation? Both are demonstrated by relationships in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and Romeo + Juliet by William Shakespeare. Infatuation is an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something, which is exactly what Romeo and Juliet experience, and love is best defined as an intense feeling of deep affection, and love is what George and Lennie have in their relationship. Since George and Lennie love each other, George and Lennie have a better relationship than Romeo and Juliet because they have been friends for a long time and they know each other better, they are loyal to one another, but not too loyal, and their relationship didn’t hurt anyone around them. George and …show more content…
She would stab herself, proving they will commit suicide if they can’t be together. Romeo and Juliet are too dependent on each other, and George and Lennie don’t have that problem because they don’t rely on each other too much. However, Romeo and Juliet were truly loyal to each other because they couldn’t live without each other, and if George and Lennie were truly loyal to each other George wouldn’t be able to live without Lennie. Romeo and Juliet both die for each other, is there any stronger way to show someone you are loyal to them? When Romeo sees that Juliet is “dead” then he drinks poison, but when Juliet wakes up and finds Romeo dead, she stabs herself with Romeo’s dagger (Shakespeare 5.3.116-175). George might of had to kill Lennie, but that was in the best interest of Lennie because he wasn’t doing well with killing a person and not just a mouse. Lennie’s condition just kept getting worse throughout the whole book because he started out with killing mice, then he killed a dog, and finally a person. Lennie would have been in some serious trouble if he was caught, so it was better for George to kill Lennie then let him suffer anymore. George may miss Lennie, but he doesn’t have to die as well to prove he is loyal to Lennie. By killing Lennie, he was showing how much he cared for him because that is what was best for Lennie. Romeo and Juliet shouldn’t of had to die for each other because they really weren’t in love and have an unhealthy relationship. George and Lennie aren’t too dependent on each other proving that they have a better relationship than Romeo and

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