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Fracking Argumentative Essay

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Pages 4
Cassie Spencer returned home and was greeted with her yard covered in red flags, and her daughter was playing in the middle of them. Her home had become a methane field. Only 3,000 feet away was a gas well that had been sending methane gas onto her property. Her house’s value decreased to only 29,000 dollars from 150,000 dollars; they had to install a methane monitor in their basement and had to add a methane-water filtration system. Their neighborhood was already evacuated once before due to the high methane levels. Cassie states, “We [Cassie’s Family] moved here because we love the woods. We wanted to stay here our whole lives,” and then continued to say, "We're not asking for a lot and now they're taking it all away. In a million years, I never would have thought that people could do …show more content…
In the past, it was difficult to mine into these shale formations. Today, we can do so by using fracking. (What Is Fracking? | National Geographic) According to a video by Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell, much of the new oil in the United States is from fracking, “Over 60% of all new oil and gas wells are drilled by using fracking.” (Fracking explained: opportunity or danger by Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell) This exemplifies the fact that the United States is very dependent on fossil fuels and therefore fracking. Though fracking is overall bad for the United States, some estimates say that fracking could offer the United States and Canada about 100 years of gas security. (Fracking explained: opportunity or danger by Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell) This suggests that the United States may not move away from fracking anytime

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